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Consuming your own drinks in a cafe? Thoughts?


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Disclaimers still are not ideal as SF would still have to deal with and spend costs defending any defamation claim, their defence being the disclaimer, and who knows if the defence would succeed anyway.


In any case - the issue of legal action wasn't the reason for closing this matter - it was because it was 'off thread'.... note that the name of the thread actually changed too....so who knows what the actual topic was anymore!


I didn't think about that. Still, a little less censorship may result in an increase in members, thus enabling greater revenues from advertising and allowing them to see off any defamation claim. A bit of a gamble though!

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Arghhhh! Why do people feel they have the right to not pay? This is theft, and illegal. Breach of contract? What contract? The only implied contract would be between you and vendor - vendor supplies food and/or drinks, for which you pay.


Sorry but that is not correct. There is a contract and it comes under the Supply of Goods and Services act. Important to what I was saying is that eating at a dine in establishment means it is deemed that service is part of the contract.


James' last post is fine regarding the food, but doesn't state how to address unacceptable service.

As James' post says, if you have a genuine reason for not paying and you leave your name and address you have acted within your rights.

To go into further detail you should expect to pay proportionate to what you accepted and endured. How would you work this out? Answer, negotiated agreement between both parties, otherwise a court of law.

So.... as OP accepted and ate the food, realistically he would be obliged to cover the cost of the food itself, but he could argue a deduction for service. This would make the case a civil matter and either party could take it as far as court if no agreement could be reached.


brianthedog, "illegal" and "theft" would be accurate if referring to "Doing a runner" which is a criminal matter (Considered "making off without payment" while the previous isn't). The establishment in question can call the Police in this instance and you can be prosecuted in a criminal court if charged. I of course am not going to wind up in a criminal court over something like this so me leaving immediately means ceasing to eat immediately, informing the person in charge of my complaint straight away (not at the end as some people do) and leaving having explained my position and handed over my details if no agreement was reached. That would be perfectly legit.


I'm not going to post on this again. While OP was out of order, it should have been addressed in a professional manner by the establishment.

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I'm not going to post on this again. While OP was out of order, it should have been addressed in a professional manner by the establishment.


As you weren't there when the incident took place you only have the aggrieved complainants word as to what happened, as such this is a very unsafe point from which to make further 'legal' pronouncements.

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I haven't been in before but my friend has, she told me that the woman is always a hag after we had left..


Ever heard of "Service with a smile" ? If I want ugly, emotionless lack of service, coupled with random noise then I would use a vending machine.


Even if I were some chav hoodie and started smoking and wee'ing on things at random, you still have to be professional when in a public SERVICE job. So you might well have a go at me for being cheap and not breaking a 20 just to pay for their slop, but shes hardly an angel either.


And if you want cheap stuff you can eat and drink anywhere, use a takeaway and a park bench. I'd be very reluctant to serve someone with that attitude.


Dear boy, working in a commercial food outlet isn't a "public service". It is a private job which involves face-to-face contact with customers. Most customers are well behaved, mature, sensible and decent. Some customers are unpleasant, dishonest and stupid. Waitresses can get quite sick of snotty kids trying to pull a fast one, and respond robustly when they encounter one. It's people like you who spoil the ambience of a place and deter other customers.

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. I don't know any cafes or restaurants that allow people to eat or drink stuff they buy elsewhere. If you order the food, you pay the prices. If its too dear, you go elsewhere. Pretty simple really.

Some of the bars/cafes at the Universities nowadays don't mind you eating your own food/own drinks on their premises, as they are student union properties; best ask before you do so, though.

I can remember in the 1970's when I was at school and you weren't even allowed to eat packed lunches in many 'public' areas like waiting rooms and the like. Nowadays there are an increasing number of areas such as permanent tables/seats in shopping centres where it is quite OK to do so.

When I was in New York a few years ago, many cafes/bars had signs up saying that customers were WELCOME to bring and eat their own food, if it was during hours that food service was not available, as long as they buy drinks...

Whatever you do, if you go to Ireland, DON'T EVER even try and sneak your own food into bars/cafes, etc. they are invariably the most strict on the matter I know anywhere and will throw you out and ban you if they find out, as happened to a Dublin friend of mine Chris.:hihi:

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