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IRA vets in battle for 'war pensions'

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:evil: The world has gone crazy


UNIONISTS, outraged by Sinn Fein's demand for IRA criminal records to be wiped clean, should prepare for another shock - ex-terrorists also want "war pensions".


Former Belfast Brigade active service veterans want war-pensions, for their front-line terrorism, to be paid for by the UK tax-payer.


But, even Sinn Fein think the latest demand for "parity of esteem", by grassroots republicans, may be pushing things too far.


Said one ex-West Belfast IRA man: "The fact is, we fought a war, the same as the RUC and the Brits.


"We negotiated a peace with honour, and, as far as we're concerned the military war is over. But, the difference between us and the enemy, is that they're entitled to pensions and all kinds of allowances, because of their war service.


"The reality is, that if we were captured we were treated as prisoners-of-war, as the general release under the Good Friday Agreement acknowledged.


"What we're looking for here follows on naturally from that. Basically, we want parity of esteem with the Brits.


"Its not right, and its time GHQ and Gerry Adams got off their backsides and did something about it.


"The way it would work, would be that if you'd done serious time for the IRA, that would be automatic recognition that you were eligible for the war-pension," he added.


"Volunteers, who hadn't been inside, would have to be specified by the leadership, and approved by the Brits, the same as the current deal on the returnees."


In fact, both the issues of "clean-slate start", and war-pensions have been raised at the IRA GHQ Staff committee, charged with monitoring the peace process.


Reliable sources say Sinn Fein solidly back the demand that criminal records be wiped, but have advised that war-pensions may be a bridge too far.


But, the reality is that there's a time-bomb of discontent ticking away within the IRA's "retired", which the leadership and both the London and Dublin governments are well aware of.


Former volunteers, who served full-time, were paid a small wage, but are now reduced to a life on the dole. At the same time, Sinn Fein's political leaders are seen leading the high-life internationally.


This is the main reason why the clean-slate scheme is to be raised, when peace process negotiations re-start next month, and why it is likely to be taken seriously by London.


A criminal record is a bar to major areas of employment.

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