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Golf It’s Easy.



I cleaned and washed my ball last night,

I hope and pray for accurate flight,

My bag is spotless my clubs are clean,

Today I’m going to realise a dream.


At the crack of dawn I raise my head,

Checking to see the missus aint fled,

Sparrows atwitter and taking the Mick,

Today that golf course I’m gonna lick.


On the first tee I step up with pride,

I know it all, there's no need to hide,

I’ve got it this time that’s for sure,

Right arm close get some draw.


A quick look round to see there all here,

Today's the day I'll make that clear,

Just swing away and let it flow,

Zing ball zing like arrow from bow.


When I look down the balls still there,

My club head met with nothing but air,

The boys stay strait faced, eyes aglow,

Well, well, well , the lords Mayors show.


This clubs bent I swear for sure!

I aint buying Ping no more!

You carry on lads its going to rain,

My old back aches started again.


jb © 2003


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