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Halcyon Days------


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War over Braunstone.Leic.


Walking round or sitting down,

I often get my mind around,

Things that happened long ago,

Up to my waist in drifting snow.


Or when I wondered how and why,

Birds took wing and learned to fly,

When women often talked of war,

And boyfriends they would see no more.


Airplanes that filled the sky,

Where they going? for what and why?

Vapour trails all day long,

Today you know there's something on.


And then at night what a show,

Amazing searchlights all aglow,

They pierce the sky off, then on,

Till droning planes they shine upon.


Little silver specks on high,

Like luminescent fire fly,

Huddled together in groups of four,

Embroiled into the winds of war.


I hope that there's some more to come,

O boy! am I just having fun,

Id love to see a plane on fire,

Crash into that old church spire.


And parachutes come floating down,

And me the hero of the town,

Arrest them all and take them to,

That old home guard arresting crew.


Alas, the all clear can be heard,

Then at once my thoughts transferred,

Tomorrows school what a shame!

Not those silly sums again.


I much prefer Bluebell Wood,

Pretending I am Robin Hood,

Or Fir Tree Forest that secret place,

Where startled pheasants scurry apace.


I'm tiring now must close my eyes,

Lets hope tomorrow brings surprise,

With some good luck the schools ablaze.

And I'll indulge in halcyon days.


John 'jobee' Bishop 3 para© 04

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