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Phillimore Road School, Darnall


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Did anyone attend Phillimore Road School in the early to mid 70's? Can you remember having to stand up whenever the headmaster came into the classroom? And those horrible rubber swimming hats you had to wear for swimming lessons at Upperthorpe baths (I think that was girls only)? If you didn't have one you couldn't go!

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I can't remember Phillimore School at Darnall, but i do remember Whitby Road Infant & Junior School (now Greenland School I think) at Darnall which I went to around late 60's early 70's.

I can remember a few teachers Mr Brindley, Mr Albere (who I think was killed in a car accident) and Mrs Southgate. I also think the french teacher was called Mr Ellis.

Does anyone else remember this?

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Another thing that I can remember about Phillimore Road school was that it only seemed to have one long corridor through the whole school, with classrooms going off. Or at least it seemed that way. I visited the school again a few years ago (it was a few years!) and the same old white railings (which I used to swing on) were still outside the main gates. Anyone know if the school is still there (or the railings for that matter)?

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Originally posted by Gladys

Another thing that I can remember about Phillimore Road school was that it only seemed to have one long corridor through the whole school, with classrooms going off. Or at least it seemed that way. I visited the school again a few years ago (it was a few years!) and the same old white railings (which I used to swing on) were still outside the main gates. Anyone know if the school is still there (or the railings for that matter)?

the school is there, my neice and nephew go there. and so are the railings

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

yup gladys i went there, and its funny cos all i remember was the long corridor same as u, i cant even remember the heads name, but i do remember a teacher called Mrs Parkin ? se used to use the ruler on ur arm if caught chatting :suspect:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I went there too in around 1973- Mrs Parkin in particular seemed a 'bit strange:suspect:

I hated that school:mad:


I attended Ph Sch 67-69. Mrs Parkin was plump with a ruddy complexion but a lovely lady, she would have you sit on her lap and give you a hug as she instructed you on how to behave or what to do. Mrs Carr was another teacher there, young and cool for the time, I use to walk her to the bus stop at the end of the day, really special, she was fabulous at reading Paddington Bear and bringing the stories to life. We use to have a summer open day when we would all barn dance or similar in the play yards; I can remember my mum peering through the railings on such a day. I was at school with an Anita Humphry's, Diane Bell, Gerald and Graham(those names just appeared!). There use to be a big family of Lister's, sandy to red haired family, they came from poor circumstances. We learnt to knit dish clothes, we would listen BBC radio school programmes. It was actually a good school without any memories of cruel teachers. I do remember however, having my tonsils out and when I went back to school some smug maths female teacher mentioning it had been lovely without me, ouch! (always thought of myself as a quiet kid) Another memory just came back I do rememember telling every one how much my mum loved me and I was the favourite of six, untrue, she loved us all, totally forgot about that - I see how these Forums can bring old memories to life now,,,,,

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yup i remember the lister family, think there still at darnall. maybe not i dunno cos i dont live there now. And i remember knitting dish clothes. OMG i even remember collecting the teachers coffee cups and taking them upstairs where there was suppost to be a ghost in there (the staff room), there were always 2 of us doing that job thank god!! We used to just chuck the cups in the sink at times and run out we were that scared. (we used to scare ourselfs walking up the stairs talking about what if we saw the ghost) pmsl.

And yeh i remember the barn dances lol


awwww i kinda miss them days :(

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