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Why go to the pub so that you can sit outside and smoke?


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yeh it does...a fag in your right and a stella in your left....:love:


I'm right handed :P


Anyway, I honestly don't really mind sitting outside, smoking, because if you wrap up well, the banter keeps flowing, and a cigarette keeps your fingers warm. I love being inside pubs, don't get me wrong, but being outside has its pluses.

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i have found pubs to be far more sociable places since the smoking ban, to be honest. it would usually have been fairly rare in many pubs (specially town centre type ones) to have got chatting to strangers when smoking was allowed indoors, but now that we all congregate outside, people just strike up conversations really easily i find.


if you're cold, put an extra cardie or something on, you wuss!

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This is true, and my complaint is not with smoking itself - I am an ex-smoker myself.


I just find difficult to understand the idea that, you would go to the pub and pay pub prices for drinks, for the privlidge of sitting outside - with no-one, and drinking.


Might as well have stayed at home :(



But in your OP you said the 3 friends you went out with all smoked so they wouldn't be on their own, they would be outside with each other and you would be in the pub on your own


I find people outside pubs are more sociable

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Why go to the pub so that you can sit outside and smoke?


Cos you can't smoke inside. :help:


Went to plug last month and towards the end of the night there were quite a few people smoking outside. Then this bloke came out and stood at the top of the steps screaming 'what are you all doing...In case you didn't know there's a RAVE INSIDE'. He ranted to himself for a while about how everyone outside were boring losers etc etc. Clearly not content with now being free from smoky air indoors he had to have a go at smokers for going outside! Alhough I wouldn't stand outside all ngiht and miss a good night, its actually quite nice to get a bit of 'fresh' air and have a chat sometimes.

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You just cant win can you people moan about smoking in pubs so it gets banned now people moan about smoking outside pubs!


People are just never satisfied, personally I find the smell of farts in pubs now far worse than the smell of smoke okay so farts wont kill you but it sometimes feels like it:(


I also find I spend more time outside now with mates who smoke but so what it beats being left sat on your own while everyones outside and it is actually more sociable.

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