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Usama Bin Laden.


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Usama Bin Laden was born in Riyadh in 1957. He is said to be the 17th of 52 children by Yemeni Born Muhammad Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia's wealthiest construction magnate with close ties to King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, After his father's death in 1968 Usama inherited some estimated $300 million.


The Camp David peace accords between Egypt and Israel, the overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the subsequent creation of a ‘Shiite’ Islamic regime, plus the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan changed the young man's perception of the world. "I was enraged," he told the newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi.


Usamah Bin Muhammed Bin Awad Bin Laden.


Born. 1957.


Saudi Arabia the place of his birth,

his father seemingly ruling the earth,

the construction business brought him fame,

wealth and power in this Arab domain.


52 children his father would sire,

bricks and mortar not his only desire,

the Sunni religion instilled in them all,

they considered it better than Peter and Paul,


But young Usama tired of it all,

wealth and luxury was not his call,

he decided that fame was his game,

and ‘Sunni’ fame his ultimate aim.


Free thinking Russians he started on first,

Infidals all! was his first outburst,

if your not ‘Sunni’ your nothing at all,

no think, no fun, no having a ball.


Slapping the deck five times a day,

then babying women and going astray,

up to the hills shouting the odds,

bombing, killing, playing at Gods.


Killing all, no question asked,

Christians, Muslims, all stand aghast,

we went through this centuries ago,

then we decided to give it a go.


You pray to your god, I’ll pray to mine.

this is our Mosque, that is your Shrine,

come off it Bin Laden we’ll ignore your call,

most of this World awaits your fall.


Jobee.. ©©©

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  • 1 year later...
Quite like Bin Laden..forget what hes done in the past..reckon hed be good in the movies..he has a certain charisma, a star quality if you like.


Any opinions on this person.




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When the First World War broke out Hitler said.

"Overpowered by stormy enthusiasm I fell down

on my knees and thanked heaven for granting me

the good fortune of being permitted to live at this time".


Cpl. Adolph 'Adi' Hitler. 1889 -1945.


Hitler was rescued from his drifting life,

By rumblings of war and oncoming strife,

Germany not Austria his leanings were bent,

His spirits lifted by this awesome event.


The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand,

By a man named Princip from Serbian land,

Austro-Hungary attacked the Serbs.

Then Russia and France called on reserves.


Belgian nuetrality the Germans ignored,

The British lion awakened then roared,

Hitler signing for Bavarian command,

Overcome with enthusiasm for his adopted land.


For Hitler the army a base and a home,

Stopping his restless urge to roam,

With the 'List' regiment he first saw war,

At Ypres in Belgium he started his tour.


Decorated early, in this vicious war,

The Iron Cross 2nd class he very soon wore.

Competent, courageous, alert and keen,

A credit to any fighting machine.


Between actions quietly reserved,

Drawing and philosophy studiously observed,

No presents or cards at Christmas time,

His pet dog 'Foxl' suited him fine.


Surviving Ypres and making his name,

The battle at Somme his next little game,

A wound in the leg caused him to fall,

Convalescing, his nature, not suited at all.


Back in action for the last great push,

Heading for Paris in a desperate rush,

Nearly, the name of this little game,

A desperate attempt before Americans came.


A First Class Iron Cross Hitlers reward,

A Jewish officer gave the award,

At the second Ypres in a gas attack,

Partly blinded: he would be back.



The Iron Cross 'First Class' normally only given to

Commissioned officers.

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Perhaps but the world would be rather a better place if both that cretin and Bush had both snuffed it at birth.


I'D throw Tony Blair in with those two, he wasn't much of a socialist/

Christian was he.

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