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Bye bye Alastair...

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

There all a bunch of liars the lot of them and its not just the Blair government, i would'nt trust any party or leaders though in my book Blairs the best we have had this centuryand would get my vote everytime.


Maybe thats because he's been the *ONLY* leader this century?

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

Fairy snuff, last century as well then, they certainly is nobody that can match him at the moment and unlikely will be either.


I'm sorry, is this the same Tony Blair we're both talking about? The one full of empty promises and lies? The one who also has several Tory policy ideas, but traditional Labour voters still vote for him just because he is 'Labour', so in effect has hijacked their party? Remember such promises like 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime'? 6 years down the line and we've seen big increases in gun crime and other violent crimes, and also talk about legalising Cannibis and letting off first time burglars without sending them to prison. Remember 'education, education, education'? Since then we've had the AS Level shinanigans, and will soon have tuition top up fees at Universities. How about New Labour not being a 'tax and spend' party? Well, we may not have had increases in income tax, but lets face it, since the Tories went in 1997 there have been over 100 new 'stealth' taxes introduced. They certainly are spending it too, along with borrowed money which has put the UK back into debt to the world bank. What exactly are they spending it on? The NHS and schools apparently. You wouldn't believe it if you experienced either. The money seems to be getting 'lost' along the way somewhere. On top of the empty promises, we have the lies. We all know about that 'dodgy dossier' now. The fact is it is looking like Blair lied his way to war, and I for one was taken in by his evidence. Whilst I still think the outcome was a good thing in the long term for the Iraqi people, I'm seriously doubting that Saddam Hussein had the WMD that Blair assured us he had. Blair is also hardly ever actually IN Britain. He spends half of his time jetting around the world, with the dillusion that he is a president. He seems to forget about the fact that hes actually our Prime Minister, and to me it seems clear that he has one eye on being the EU president in the future. Personally I think, and hope, New Labour will be out at the next election and we will be saying goodbye and good riddance to Mr Blair and his cheesy, pretentious and phoney smile and mannerisms. Thats the Tony Blair I'm talking about, is that the same Mr Blair that you're referring to then cycleracer?

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Originally posted by upholder

"chickens" and "roost" does it for me.


This is what happens when you tell lies to the Brtish public.

Any tips on who's next?

Don't be daft pollies have told lies to the public for ever, and nothing will change that. All we get are new faces, new voices, but the same old crap. That's everywhere, not just UK.

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Originally posted by t020

I'm sorry, is this the same Tony Blair we're both talking about? The one full of empty promises and lies? The one who also has several Tory policy ideas, but traditional Labour voters still vote for him just because he is 'Labour', so in effect has hijacked their party? Remember such promises like 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime'? 6 years down the line and we've seen big increases in gun crime and other violent crimes, and also talk about legalising Cannibis and letting off first time burglars without sending them to prison. Remember 'education, education, education'? Since then we've had the AS Level shinanigans, and will soon have tuition top up fees at Universities. How about New Labour not being a 'tax and spend' party? Well, we may not have had increases in income tax, but lets face it, since the Tories went in 1997 there have been over 100 new 'stealth' taxes introduced. They certainly are spending it too, along with borrowed money which has put the UK back into debt to the world bank. What exactly are they spending it on? The NHS and schools apparently. You wouldn't believe it if you experienced either. The money seems to be getting 'lost' along the way somewhere. On top of the empty promises, we have the lies. We all know about that 'dodgy dossier' now. The fact is it is looking like Blair lied his way to war, and I for one was taken in by his evidence. Whilst I still think the outcome was a good thing in the long term for the Iraqi people, I'm seriously doubting that Saddam Hussein had the WMD that Blair assured us he had. Blair is also hardly ever actually IN Britain. He spends half of his time jetting around the world, with the dillusion that he is a president. He seems to forget about the fact that hes actually our Prime Minister, and to me it seems clear that he has one eye on being the EU president in the future. Personally I think, and hope, New Labour will be out at the next election and we will be saying goodbye and good riddance to Mr Blair and his cheesy, pretentious and phoney smile and mannerisms. Thats the Tony Blair I'm talking about, is that the same Mr Blair that you're referring to then cycleracer?



It seems a plaudit or two is coming your way on this thread. Don't associate me with them. ;)


However, I grudgingly accord you a little praise for your words.... :lol:

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