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The sun starts its downward glide,

Huge and glowing reddoned with pride,

The days work loved and done,

Breathing life into mans kingdom.


Slowly descending this giant orb,

Emitting light that plants absorb,

Lower and lower then disappears,

Only the glowing horizon appears.


A cool breeze begins to stir,

Flies and midges clear the air,

The occasional sound of falling things,

A spectre of silence and all it brings.


Listening for the occasional noise,

As night things begin to express their voice,

Roaming free and and helped by the night,

Creatures wait to show their might.


The moons face observing all,

High and aloof just a glowering ball,

Its craggy face not changing its stare,

Penetrating the cool night air.


Occasionally obscured by darkening clouds,

Rolling shadows by pillowing shrouds,

Starlight twinkling from afar,

Like aliens observing who we are.


Tis night now and day is done

We wait the morrows rising sun,

The celestial orb that gives us life

How much longer can its energies drive.


John Bishop

Copyright © - John Bishop - All rights reserved

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  • 3 weeks later...

The sun starts its downward glide,

Huge, glowing, reddoned with pride,

The days work, loved, done,

Breathing life into mans kingdom.


Slowly descending this giant orb,

Emitting light that plants absorb,

Lower, lower, then disappears,

Only the glowing horizon appears.


A cool breeze begins to stir,

Flies, midges, clear the air,

The occasional sound of falling things,

A spectre of silence, all it brings.


Listening for the occasional noise,

Night things begin to express their voice,

Roaming free, helped by the night,

Creatures wait to show their might.


The moons face observing all,

High, aloof, a glowering ball,

Craggy face not changing its stare,

Penetrating the cool night air.


Occasionally obscured by darkening clouds,

Rolling shadows, pillowing shrouds,

Starlight twinkling from afar,

Like aliens observing who we are.


It's night now, day is done

We wait the morrows rising sun,

The celestial orb that gives us life,

How much longer can its energies drive?


John Bishop

Copyright © - John Bishop - All rights reserved



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