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Who owns the land beneath your feet.

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Right who owns the land beneath your feet, not the land your house is on but the earth say 50 or more feet down. I work near Stoney Middleton and explore the surrounding caves. So who owns the caves, land, mineral seams etc. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/7672341.stm says tunnels under London going for 5 million, so whats to stop you digging your own tunnels 100foot down. This is theory though as I'm not planning on going out with a shovel.;)

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Got it in one!


The Crown ultimately owns every piece of land in the country - good to know, isn't it? :gag:





That's great. I have a skip full of soil they have dug out under my new conservatory. I will get them to dump it at Buck House. That should save me a few bob.:thumbsup:

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There was a man on the worst neighbours program that tunneled from his house under everyone elses in the street and no one could do anything because the other people in the street just owned the land and house that stood on it. The were scared of him under mining their foundations.


apparently it was ok to tunnel where you want. not sure if any law got changed as a resuilt of it all.

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But the crown owns everything including the house and land you own.:huh:


This is absolutely true. Due to the fact that the UK has not had the land reform that it despirately needs.


If you wholly own your land and house freehold (not leasehold) Then technically all you own is a lease from the Queen, If you die with no will or relative who can make a claim on your estate, The queen gets your property. It will probably be auctioned or sold and she gets the money.


Fair isn't it !



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This is absolutely true. Due to the fact that the UK has not had the land reform that it despirately needs.


If you wholly own your land and house freehold (not leasehold) Then technically all you own is a lease from the Queen, If you die with no will or relative who can make a claim on your estate, The queen gets your property. It will probably be auctioned or sold and she gets the money.


Fair isn't it !




Exactly so, Muddycoffee


It's funny how this sort of information is kept VERY quiet... :suspect:


The Establishment doesn't like the public to realise this sort of thing



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