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When you were young.


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I mean really young. Are there any images that have remained in your mind, say from the age of 3 or 4 years old? Or even earlier. Some people can remember sounds from a very early age, records; songs being sung; people saying things; lots of things; I know I do. But what of visual things: objects; a toy perhaps; a building; something in the sky when you were in your pram. After a certain age memories are easier to recall, but it's the earliest I mean.

One of mine was being pushed in a pram up that lane that comes out at the top of Cookswood Road. They hadn't finished building up there then and there was a partially finished house, and a cement mixer. The mixer was going around like they do, but it was making a thumping sound. It was being cleaned out and had bricks in it to do the job. I worked for years as a 'brickie' and at the end of the day when we'd finished work that sound always took me back to the top of Cookswood Road

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Like extaxman says, I can also remember being at nursery and recall that my coat peg had a picture of a penguin on it, I would have been about 3 at the time.

At the same age I have memories of my grandmother who used to look after me when my parents were working, the ones that spring to mind are; going for a walk with her to the post office and getting a 'Golden Cup' chocolate bar, seeing dead rabbits hung outside the butchers shop, having a visit from the brush salesman who used to sell small snuff size tins of Windolene or something like that, standing outside to tell the chimney sweep when you could see the brush coming out of the chimney and finally the best one, helping my Nan clear up one day, She was throwing all the scrap paper that I had been crayoning on onto the fire along with some other bits and pieces of rubbish, I had fallen out with my brother and got hold of his 'Sooty' glove pupet and threw that on the fire as well. I can still see 'Sooty' hanging by one ear from the washing line after he had been quickly rescued from the fire and put in water in the sink.

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Born in 1941, some of my earliest memories are of war damage. The shell of the C.& A building on Angel St., the bombed housing sites on our street in the Walkley area, gas masks in square boxes, and I can even remember waking up to the all clear siren. Also, the first day at Upperthorpe infants school, and family gatherings at Christmas. Some good things and some not.

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I can remember my mum making extra pasty for us to play with, then bake, and my poor dad having to eat it when he came home from work!

I can also remember vividly my first day at school...crying for my mum and trying to hide in the corner so as not to have to go back after dinner!

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I remember when I was about 3 or 4 and making fake food out of like playdoh or something and my mum pretending to give it to my dad for tea and he pretended to eat it playing up to me,my brother and my sister 'hiding' (really obviously) then my brother having such a bad laughing fit an ambulance was being dialled for.

Good times....

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One memory I have, is from when I was 2yrs old when I split my head open. My sister was just a baby my Mam said, there's just 2yrs between us. Well the story goes I decided to help myself to a cup in the cupboard, because I was thirsty. I remember the part where I climbed up to reach for it, and definitely remember not particularly the actual fall, but the impact of my head hitting the corner of our sideboard. After that the hospital is hazy, Mam said it was a proper hospital, but in my mind it was a small prefabricated building. I had to have two stitches in the back of my head, I don't remember them putting them in either.

May I add, Dad was in the 'Pictures' and Mam had to get him home again, with her having a small baby. They put it across the screen his name, he was so embarrassed he never again told my Mam where he was going when going out.

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I remember the brush salesman as well seem to recall the one who came to our house worked for Betterware and he was called Mr. Dunn and the small tins of polish he sold were Lavender and every time I smell Lavender it reminds me of Mr. Dunn I would have been about 4 years old at the time

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I can remember starting school and getting kicked under the table by one of the twins who were to be my "friends". Took me a while and a lot of bullying and kicks before I was able to take my Mums advice to stick up for myself. I finally did it by wacking their heads together. :) Didn't stop them ganging up against me but they never hit me agian ;)


I also remember believing in Father Christmas. :D

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"I remember when I was about 3 or 4 and making fake food out of like playdoh or something and my mum pretending to give it to my dad for tea and he pretended to eat it playing up to me,my brother and my sister 'hiding' (really obviously) then my brother having such a bad laughing fit an ambulance was being dialled for.

Good times...."




you mean.....he didn't really eat it??

I am ruined!!:D

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