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When you were young.


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i remember my first day of school, it was a very old and freezing building, and not having gone to nursery or even any playgroups before i was terrified! i wanted to go home and when my mum collected me at lunch i watched rainbow and dangermouse on tv then screamed that i wasn't going back. ever.

every morning i cried for my dad and every day my mum left me there with the teacher crying. each playtime i held the teachers hand and lunchtime i held the dinnerlady's hand all i wanted was the bell for hometime!! i finally settled in when i realised you HAD to go to school whether you liked it or not and just gave in lol. so glad my 2 children are not like me at all

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My earliest memory: my sister and I had strawberries each in a bowl and I put salt on instead of sugar. Mum washed the salt off but I could still taste it and my sister wouldn't share hers with me. Neither mum or sister remember it but it really sticks in my mind!

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I remember when I had just started school, the dinner lady stood over me and made me eat this grated cheese on my plate. Well needless to say it came right back up again, and to this day I still don't eat cheese :gag:

What had it got to do with her, I still don't understand why she made me eat it :rant:

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1952 when i was 2 i remember the ambulance men putting a red blanket on my dad and stretchering him off, he died of T.B, i also remember a year or so later my mam taking me to the co_op at the bottom of the moor to see gloops and at christmas we went to see santa,he gave me a little cannon that fired matchsticks

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I can remember being in hospital, when I'm told I was not quite 2 years old. It was Lodge Moor Hospital in January 1950, and I remember three things:

Visiting time, when my parents were not allowed in the ward; they could only look through a glass partition (which had small panes of glass - can any veteran Lodge Moor staff confirm this?)

Being taken to the toilet - and it wasn't a proper loo; there was a sort of wooden board with holes in it, at two different heights for differently-sized toddlers.

My last day, when I had pink ice cream for the first time in my short life!

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I couldn't have been more than two years old and I remember sitting at the top of Marcus Walk in about 3" of snow. I must have been there a long time before someone picked me up and took me back to my granddad's house on the Walk. Loved the snow ever since.

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I can remember being in hospital, when I'm told I was not quite 2 years old. It was Lodge Moor Hospital in January 1950, and I remember three things:

Visiting time, when my parents were not allowed in the ward; they could only look through a glass partition (which had small panes of glass - can any veteran Lodge Moor staff confirm this?)

Being taken to the toilet - and it wasn't a proper loo; there was a sort of wooden board with holes in it, at two different heights for differently-sized toddlers.

My last day, when I had pink ice cream for the first time in my short life!

i certainly can confirm this,i was in the same ward, when i left all my toys were taken to the incinerator,and a few days after leaving there was a near miss by an aeroplane ,i think it crashed or landed close by
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I was about 3or 4 and lived in an old farm house in Woodseats I remember the house and fields very well we used to run down to the bottom field to watch the trains go past , washing my teddy in the Horse trough and getting into big trouble as it was dirty water, playing on the old barn roof and my friends leg going through (trouble again as had been told not to go up as it was unsafe) eating labernum seeds and being realy realy sick ugh ! and my aunt working at Thorntons at the bottom of the road and going down at lunch time to see her and having rice pudding in the staff canteen.

Talking of Thorntons does anyone else remember it at the bottom of Archer Road it's flats or town houses now.

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