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When you were young.


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We lived on Herries rd when I was very young so never really saw the Ice Cream van around, but when i was at my Grandmas up Walkley she would always buy me a Penny Lollie from the van, and she always walked me back to the tram stop to go home if I was by myself.


My Grandma was a wonderfull person just like my Mom, I miss them both :(

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I have very vivid memories of being small. and none of these memories are ones which come from "stories" i was told, they are all my own.


My earliest must have been November 1964, when I was about 8 months old, at my aunt and uncles wedding. I remember being carried, along the path up to the church. I also remember being handed around from person to person, and being made a bit of a fuss of. (being the eldest/only grandchild)


other memories from that time are of being 2 years old, the first being in june 66, I remember my 6 week old cousin, Kevin, in a carry cot on our verandah, and playing with my toys with my then year-old cousin, Darren and getting smacked for getting water on my mum's kitchen floor. my mother would have been about six to eight weeks off having my sister.

I remember my cousin's christening, which was around that time, too. I remember being lifted up to sit o my uncles' shoulders and being able to touch the ceiling.


The next memory being from the evening of Saturday 27th August 1966. I remember the red and white vinyl sofa we had in our living room, and I remember my dad telling me that my mother had gone to the hospital to fetch my new baby sister or brother.


My next memory is of what must have been the following day, when we went to the hospital to see my mother, and my newborn sister. (who had arrived literally a few minutes - 15- after my mother had arrived at the hospital) I can remember being lifted right up, onto the bed beside my mother, and I can remember seeing my sister, like a little doll, sleeping, in the crib beside my mother.


I remember rocking the crib, and feeling so very proud, and thinking "i'm a big sister, now! :D


a couple of weeks later, when my mother came out of hospital, we went to visit my grandpa in the Wharncliffe hospital, at the side of the Middlewood Hospital (I believe he had Pneumonia) I remember the wards on the hollside, and my grandpa and the other chaps sitting outside in the sunshine. I remember causing everone to fall about laughing, by asking my grandpa "Where's YOUR baby?" (you see, my mum had just been in hospital to have my sister, so my 2-year old's logic thought that that's what you went into hospital for- to collect your baby... and I assumed that was what grandpa was there for)


I remember a blue woollen double-breasted coat that I had around that time. I remember my blonde curls being pulled up into a sort of pineapple topknot ponytail.


I remember later that year (1966) my sister's christening. I stood up on the pew, and shouted at the vicar "What are you doing to my baby!?"

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Hi HILLSBORO' I remember being in Lodge Moor Hospital with Scarlet Fever when I was little and my parents visiting, they could'nt come in and had to stay outside and peer through a window. I was supposedly on the mend at that time but felt really sick as I had been sitting in front of a gas fire for quite some time, long story short the nurse came around and made me get back into bed.

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Hi depoix and fleetwood - well, this makes at least three of us who were in Lodge Moor Hospital. Maybe we should hold a "Lodge Moor 1950s toddlers' reunion".:).. I remember that at mealtimes we sat on little chairs around a table, and at visiting time they arranged the chairs in a semicircle facing the window through which we could see our visitors. I remember being pleased when I went home and could sleep in my little cot (it was painted pink as I had a big sister). I also remember lying in the cot and being able to suck my big toe :gag: - if I tried it now I'd do myself an injury...

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I remember the ticket collector at 'Victoria Station' asking my Dad how old we were; pointing to my brother first and then me he said this ones four and he's three.

I also remember when I was three going into the then 'City General Hospital' (now Northern General) for a hernia operation.

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Some great memories there, I'm really enjoying reading them.

I got another couple. I distinctly remember seeing the King and Queen in an open topped car travelling down Burngreave Road. This was sometime in the 30's, probably just after the Coronation. There was a saying going the rounds ''Him and Her a penny''. Lord knows what that was about. Somebody will. I wasn't on my own on Burngreave Road, there were a lot of others.

Another time, about the same year, I know I hadn't started school, we were waiting for a tram opposite the Catholic church, at the end of Melrose Road. When the tram came I read out the number, my uncle said '' Eh, If he keeps on at this rate, we're going to have to pay for him''. I thought it was funny, so I kept my gob shut after that.

When I'd just started school I developed an ear ache. It got worse and it turned out to be a mastoid. So It was the hospital for me. I was in the Children's first, up Western Bank, then I was transferred to the Royal on Infirmary Road. I was in a ward and next to a window looking down on the emergency reception across the way. I could see peoples lower halves only. There was one 'lower half' which looked familiar.

Years after I was remembering those days with my Grandma' and I related this occurance and she laughed and said that, in actual fact, it had been her. She'd gone there with her bunions. Now I've got them, hereditary, I got her feet.

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Hi depoix and fleetwood - well, this makes at least three of us who were in Lodge Moor Hospital. Maybe we should hold a "Lodge Moor 1950s toddlers' reunion".:).. I remember that at mealtimes we sat on little chairs around a table, and at visiting time they arranged the chairs in a semicircle facing the window through which we could see our visitors. I remember being pleased when I went home and could sleep in my little cot (it was painted pink as I had a big sister). I also remember lying in the cot and being able to suck my big toe :gag: - if I tried it now I'd do myself an injury...
i was also in with scarlet fever,at christmas time,i remember the nurses coming round singing christmas carols,they had small lanterns and they had their uniforms on with a blue cloak, i spent three occasions up at lodge moor with various things, suprised we made it this far..
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