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Would you work overtime for nothing?

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Hey, i think i'm being made a mug! We got a new boss at work and he says that we shouldn't expect any extra money or time back if we do overtime. He says the reason that on the contract we sign it states that Extra time needed when and as the business needs it. I have checked this and it is correct, although in the staff handbook it states that all staff should do anymore than 3 extra hours per week if it is not their personal choice. We have been led to believe that even if we do an extra 20 hours a week then that is just the job, whatb would you do? Complain and risk no futher promotion? or just get on with it?


I'd just walk out when my hours were up.

In fact I do.


I doubt that such a clause would be enforceable... And there's also the EU working time directive to consider.

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does this "flexibility" work both ways?


Say you needed to leave early to for whatever reason, could you?

..... thought not


Who do you work for? Mr Scrooge?


Why would you want to get promoted in this business? You will end up like him...


I would start looking round for another job with a proper manager

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