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Would you work overtime for nothing?

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You don't have to do anything you don't want. It is your right to take lunch breaks if you don't , the only person to blame is YOU.

They don't have to pay you for sick days at all, you get 3 days minus wages then SSP -any deviations to this are at the employers discretion and not compulsory.


You're being taken advantage of, i'm afraid.

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Hmmm, how can i take a lunch break when there's nobody to cover? I can leave my desk, but i can't stop the phone ringing or people coming in. I see your point, but it doesn't actually work in this job.


But that's the problem of the management, if you aren't there they will have to do something about it.

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But that's the problem of the management, if you aren't there they will have to do something about it.


:thumbsup: Agree 100% - As I said before, you have to force the issue to get something done.


Note:Forcing the issue does not mean being awkward or nasty. You have to be the one who is reasonable and make the other guy the "manager" be unreasonable.


It could be something as simple as leaving or starting 30 minutes early to go to the dentist.

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I come into work early because of inconveniently timed buses so I suppose I rack up an extra 3 or 4 hours a week that is unpaid. Techically we're suppose to get it as flexi-time but most people are too busy to use it.


Expecting people to work overtime for free isn't the only scam that employers use to get free work out of their employees. Since I've been in my job several people have left and instead of replacing them the managers have just dumped their workload onto me. I do far more work now than I was contracted to do and my workload will be even heavier starting from the New Year. I haven't even been offered an increase in pay to go with the increased workload.

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Most contracts in law firms have the same clause, expecting you to work longer if need be. They certainly have at the firms I've worked for.


Realistically it's part of the package. They pay fairly well and offer good benefits, so if I have to work an extra hour or two every so often, fair enough.

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