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Citroen Picasso - Speedo reading has been replaced by two dashes

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It's actually under the passenger seat - the battery - unless you have a LHD picasso.


To get to the battery, you have to tilt the passenger seat forward - there's two little catches at the back of the runners that you need to depress. Then swing the seat forward. It helps if the head rest if off.





Oops sorry about that, wrong seat. My picasso did the crazy fuel gauge thing too and the speedo and the temp gauge and random warning lights, it also used to change radio stations completely unpredictably when indicating, switching on the lights and various other electrical switchgear. The really stupid thing is, most of the time it was fine and then every few weeks it would have a "psychotic episode" for a few days and then return to normal. some times I would get frustrated and try the battery trick sometimes it worked first time sometimes second or third or not at all.

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  • 5 years later...
It's official, you're going at the speed of light. Prepare to go back to the future!


Post of the month :)


Sigh, nope, everyone knows the speed for time travel is 88mph and no citroen pistachio (as the op stated) is ever going to reach 88mph.

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