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Alcohol Driving Limit?

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Originally posted by alchresearch

It should be none. If you know you're going to drive, don't drink.

Trouble is come Christmas or most weekends people think whats a couple of drinks going to hurt..whats the worst could happen you kill a few people so?..


You get less time in prison killing someone while drunk driving then just killing someone the law is an ass

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Originally posted by alchresearch

It should be none. If you know you're going to drive, don't drink.

I'm sure I read that they unfortunately can't set the limit to zero because of the presence of alcohol in medicine, etc... that may show up on the breath test. However, I agree - it should be as near to zero as they can make it!
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I was unfortunate enough to knock someone over last October.


He was bladdered and ran straight out from a pub straight into my windscreen. He damaged my bonnet, smashed the whole windscreen, scratched down one side of the car and broke my wing mirror.


I had to pay out for the repairs as I didn't want to lose my no claims. It cost me over £150.


I didn't get done because it wasn't my fault. Although I was absolutly traumatised, had to spend my friday night in a police station being breathalised and questioned.


The lad I knocked over carried on around town drinking with his mates.


I received no money from him or an apology.


In my opinion this lad should have at least been made to pay for the damage he caused.


You can bet your bottom dollar had it been my fault I would have ended up in court, paying costs, fines etc....

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Drink driving is totally unacceptable and people should be named and shamed if convicted and sentenced far heavily if they kill. You may say this is harsh, but I'm speaking about something that has effected me twice in my 27 years on this planet. I lost a close family recently cos I young foolish driver thought he could handle 7 pints, took to the roads and drove on the wrong side of the road and collided with the motorcycle that my friend was travelling on. The foolish driver is now doing 5 years. I mean, 5 years for taking somes life, where's the justice in that????????

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