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Alcohol Driving Limit?

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When I did the National Licencee Certificate to become a licencee of a pub this was all part of the exam. In a nutshell it is recognised that there is no cut off point and everyone truly is different. There is no hard and fast rule as to how much you can have to drink as it all depends on your frame, whether you have eaten, your health, etc.


The true answer would be to not drink and drive at all.

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Another one of those taboo subjects where people are afraid to speaker there minds.


I think the limit is about right. Two pints is the "mark" I go by on the rare occasions that I have a drink whilst driving.


I admit that in my youth I probably drove (on one or two occasions) whilst over the limit, which I now find embarressing. However, to compare me to a cold blooded murderer or suggest I should be banned from driving for life is way OTT. Don't get me wrong, drink driving is wrong but comparing an act of poor judgement/selfishness with an act of evil is simply ridiculous.


Anyway... even after a couple of pints I can still drive better than a women or some old git... joke;) :) .

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Another point to be made is what about the next morning.... ?

A mate of ours went out down town and had a 'few' beers.... he was by no means 'plastered' as I was with him and he was just very merry. He left town in a cab at 11.15pm........ went to work next morning at 10am and was pulled and breath tested. He was over the limit - and obviously was banned, fined etc. My point to this waffling is that you need to be so very aware if you are driving the next day - He felt fine and odviously though he would be ok but clearly wasn't. Now he doesn't even touch a drink - even when not driving if he know's it is work the next day.

Personally I never even have one as I mentioned before in the thread, just something to think about I thought...


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