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Does anyone remember Bluebell Wood?


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I remember taking my little sisters to a place we always called Bluebell Wood. I think it was somewhere in Shiregreen. I think it is near where Meadowhall shopping Center is now. I must have been 7 or 8 years old at the time, so this would have been around 1950. Thank you.

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I think we must be of a similar age ttourtell, I remember going picking bluebells there in the early 50's (now strictly illegal!) It's the wood at the bottom of Concord Park where we used to go, and no, it's not that far from Meadowhall!

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Thanks for the reply. Yes, I remember Concord Park. Also we used to have little picnis in Ecclesfield Park in the village and actually get to paddle in the pool there. Is any of it still there? We also used to play on the bandstand.

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I remember as a kid being near Firshill School probably at the back but lower down, where I recall there was a bit of a valley.That area was a sea of Bluebells, which seemed to take on different shades as the wind blew them, I think there was a scattering of trees dotted in there also, It was really a pretty sight.

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Hi everyone: Thanks for sharing your memories about the bluebells. I now realize we walked from the Ecclesfield end and would walk the full length of the woods along Ecclesfield Road. When the blue bells are in blown, they just take your breath away! Do they still grow there? We would take armfuls home for our Mom and there would so many we'd have to put them in a bucket of water outside the back door. Oh - so long ago....

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I remember as a kid being near Firshill School probably at the back but lower down, where I recall there was a bit of a valley.That area was a sea of Bluebells, which seemed to take on different shades as the wind blew them, I think there was a scattering of trees dotted in there also, It was really a pretty sight.

HI, Thats where l remember bluebell wood, it was past, what was known as Roe Wood gardens, as one veered to the right it led to herries rd and futher on to somewhere near Elm lane, l think!' at the time of flowering this was covered like a carpet, kids used to gather armsfulls to take home to mum,[forbidden nowadays] in those days one's children could wander anywhere without harm , Arthur F.

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I Cant believe what you are saying about it being forbidden to pick bluebells now. When did that happen? I live in OZ & one of my fondest memories is of picking bluebells as a child. So much so that on my last visit to the UK 7 years ago I bought a picture of a wood full of bluebells to remind me of the beautiful sight of a wood full of bluebells. The picture hangs in our bedroom & I often look at it & try & remeber the smell of walking in a wood full of them. Why oh why have people been stopped from picking them? Someone will be telling me next that you cant pick blackberries & bilberries(which make my mouth water just typing the names.

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