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Does anyone remember Bluebell Wood?


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Woolley Woods,Yes the display is as spectacular every year. You can get into serious trouble for picking them now though as they are a protected spieces.

I live just across from the woods and when me and my children go for a walk in the woods we always come home with a bunch of bluebells,theres enough of them.

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I live just across from the woods and when me and my children go for a walk in the woods we always come home with a bunch of bluebells,theres enough of them.


Not for long if you carry on picking them. If everybody took your view and picked them they'd soon be gone. Why not enjoy them where they are, they don't last long if they're picked anyway.

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Not for long if you carry on picking them. If everybody took your view and picked them they'd soon be gone. Why not enjoy them where they are, they don't last long if they're picked anyway.

Come on ,let kids be kids there not breaking peoples windows there picking a few bluebells !!!:loopy:

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I'm with algy on this jessiet. Too many animals and plants around the world are near extinction. If you were to photograph the bluebells with your kids and explain to them why it's best not to pick them, you'd be in a win-win situation. That said, I recognize that you're not doing anything to deliberately harm them. Have fun in your beautiful bluebell-carpeted woods. Wish we had them over here. Cheers.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

yes I recall my Mum and dad taking me o the Bluebell wood and having photos taken in my whitsuntide clothes Mind you they were of course black and white so it could have been anywhere But it was the wood and i remember it being pretty

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  • 2 years later...

i remember all the bluebells in wolley woods we used to live on jardine street and i think i was about 5 used to go wolley woods and i remember the bluebells they are my favorite thing to see growing so pretty...i think there was some swings at the bottom and a main road and my dad used to buy me chips...would have been mid 80's....was there goats walking about in a field near there too? i remember some somewhere and these hill things near concorde school we used to walk our dog there...i was so young though the memory is all blurred into one place even though im sure it was more places

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