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Is the Cremorne up for sale?


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  • 1 year later...

Yep, a friend of a friend has just taken it over, and I was told all about the plans they have for it on Saturday. The front bit isn't going to change much, but there is a nice courtyard at the back which they've opened up as a beer garden now. Apparently the old landlord just used it to park his car in it, which is a shocking waste.

The beer selection is going to carry on as before - that's something which the owners (Punch Taverns I think) control to a large degree; but they've got music on now, and they're hoping to get some screens up for the footy.



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I have fond memories of that court yard. Nick did used to mainly just park his car in it, but we had BBQ's, fireworks displays etc there too.


Wish your friend the best of luck with it - it's a great pub.

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