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Looking For Writers Of Fantasy/Fiction


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Hi People


I've begun work on creating a fantasy world on the Words And Things website using poetry and short stories.


I'm going for the whole swords/sorcery/pirates/wenches/mead malarky and just wondered if anyone else would like to contribute and create a world with me?


Either PM me or post on here with ideas or if you have any questions.


I just think it'd be cool to start a group of writers with a love of this genre. They do it with books, films, music and games, why not poetry?


Hope to hear from you soon!



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what can i do to help? what does it entail?


All I'm looking for is poetry and short stories, written by people (not ripped off from other books etc. within the genre), and posted on the Words And Things website in my section.


It's all come about from the fact that I love fantasy stuff. I love playing video games like Oblivion, Lost Odyssey; listening to music that's all swords and wenches and battles etc.


So, I'd like to create a world in poetry that's of that genre. You can write about anything, write things that coincide with what others have written and basically create a fantasy world of stories, poems, even song lyrics. Just write things and submit them to http://www.wordsandthings.co.uk.


They can be funny, sad, intense, daft, just as long as they're tales of a ye olde worlde!

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