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Charlie Peace - Local history course


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The Sheffield WEA are offering a local history course on Charlie Peace


The course begins on Weds 21st January, 7pm - 9pm and runs for 10 weeks.


The course venue is The Circle, Rockingham Lane just off Division Street - part of Charlie's old stamping ground


The cost of the ten week course is £55 but zero if you are unwaged or in receipt of benefits


If you are interested in attending the course you can find more info or enrol by telephone on: 0114 242 3609


or bunging off an e mail to: yorkshumber@wea.org.uk



You can also pm me if you want more info



Here is the blurb for the course


Charlie Peace: Criminal Fall, Cultural Rise.


The course is a ten week investigation into the life of one of the most notorious criminals of the nineteenth century. Using primary and secondary evidence we examine Peace within the context of nineteenth century Sheffield and against a backdrop of Victorian crime and penal reform. We examine Peace's burglary in Sheffield, his murder of a police constable in Manchester, the Dyson killing , arrest in London and his subsequent sensationalised trial. The second part of the course examines media coverage of Peace through the mediums of film, newspapers, comics, penny dreadfuls, museum commemoration and music hall. The course draws upon the disciplines of History, Criminology and Media Studies.

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This is the first time a history course has run on Peace to my knowledge. A course blog is under construction for the course, you can find this at





It is early days yet for the site but a similar blog was developed for the Sheffield City Battalion course, which can be accessed at:




0114 242 3609 is the number to book a place on the course - hope to hear from you:)

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Sounds really interesting! local, notorious... great subject matter. I'd like to sign on for this one.


I wonder, though, did he do enough (notorious as he was) to fill 10 weeks? :hihi:


Hi Plaintalker - I am having problems cutting down the materials.


There are 2 murder trials alone to cover that were covered in great detail by the press at that time.


Peace ticks so many boxes for 19c crime and media it is quite incredible...


...and notorious:twisted:

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those who have already signed up to the course - (there a few places left folks!) I have started to add links and book references to the course blog. These are a list of references that the course materials refer to - not a book list requirement! If you are interested, a few of these titles are available at the central library. Check this out at:




I will add specific book links to Peace and media references in the coming weeks:)

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A little bit of the history of Charlie Peace is currently being lost.


At the top of Ecclesall Road at Banner Cross is the site of Charlie Peace's

notorious murder of Arthur Dyson in 1876 for which he was hanged.


The passageway where the murder took place is currently a building site.


It's being bricked up and turned into a sandwich shop, so a little bit of local

history is being lost. The passageway is next to No 957 Ecclesall Road,

currently the shop "Fired Arts" with "Best Kebab" on the other side of the

passageway (No 955?).


A lot of people believe that the murder took place in the alleyway next to

the Banner Cross pub, but they're wrong. Check "The Fantastic Career of

Charlie Peace, the Banner Cross Murderer" by Peter Machan for the facts and Peace's own drawing of the crime scene.

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  • 1 month later...

Plaintalker - I e mailed the History Channel and the production company are sending me a DVD copy of the Peace programme - thought the group might want to look at 20 minutes of this.


It is quite difficult to get access to the Scotland Yard Museum but I am working on that one at the moment also;)


Many thanks for alerting me to the programme - good on yer:thumbsup:

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