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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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I don't think you have thought this through.


You're trying to compare a time when millions of people were killed in war and executions, by a homicidal regime. To being able to accept that homosexuals are not perverts, and having a general respect for your fellow man/woman irrespective of their sexuality.


If you think these situations are similar it is a very strange world you live in.


I dont respect them but neither would I have any wish to harm them. In a nutshell just keep them away from any church either myself or family might want to attend and keep their sexual persuasion as a subject out of school teachings.


I dont give a rat"s behind but the hostile replies I've received to my posts definitely have the rantings of the jackboot wearing brigade. I'm sure were I to be recognized in person by some forumers I would be hung, drawn and quartered

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It stands to reason that a country that could produce the new president they have, and the people who voted for him, must also be able to produce the exact opposite, to correct the universal smart/compassionate - dumb/bigoted balance.


Ever since Obama declared himself a presidential candidate there have been endless postings churning out the same old statement that the US is to racist to elect a black president.


Now that these haters have been proved wrong let me ask you a question.

Perhaps you know enough about politics in Britain to answer it.


When in your opinion will a non-white become Prime Minister of the UK?


I've asked this question before several times but when I do a deafening silence seems to develop.


I suspect that Britain is far more racist than the US in this matter. Your white supremacists wear pin striped trousers black jackets and homburgs and speak like old Etonians.


"Cant let these chaps in Y'know. Alright to let them become mayors of Bradford and Birmingham but Whitehall? Heaven forbid old chap"


How many non-white MPs sit in the House of Commons?


Look to the shortcomings in your own backyard before poking your nose into your neighbour's

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Ever since Obama declared himself a presidential candidate there have been endless postings churning out the same old statement that the US is to racist to elect a black president.


Now that these haters have been proved wrong let me ask you a question.

Perhaps you know enough about politics in Britain to answer it.


When in your opinion will a non-white become Prime Minister of the UK?


I've asked this question before several times but when I do a deafening silence seems to develop.


I suspect that Britain is far more racist than the US in this matter. Your white supremacists wear pin striped trousers black jackets and homburgs and speak like old Etonians.


"Cant let these chaps in Y'know. Alright to let them become mayors of Bradford and Birmingham but Whitehall? Heaven forbid old chap"


How many non-white MPs sit in the House of Commons?


Look to the shortcomings in your own backyard before poking your nose into your neighbour's


The fact that you seem to missing from your rant is that the UK has a lot smaller ethnic minority than the USA, around 7.9% in our last census of 2001.

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The fact that you seem to missing from your rant is that the UK has a lot smaller ethnic minority than the USA, around 7.9% in our last census of 2001.


No excuse. The non-white populations of such large cities such as Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool Glasgow and London must make up a very large voting bloc and of course they would most likely be inclined to vote for one of their own who was standing for parliament.


So since you cannot answer my question as to when a non-white prime minister might be elected then perhaps you might know what the ratio od non-white MPs is to whites in the Commons


Your response seems also to suggest that even if your ethnic population is a lot smaller than that in the US that this justifies your not having a prospepective prime minister which further suggests that only non-whites would vote for a non-white candidate.


Many many white voters by the way voted for Obama

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Well, Anj, if you believe that, then I feel very concerned, indeed for the quality of the sources of your information.


realising that this is actually a thread about same-sex partnerships, and that this is taking things slightly off course:-


In places like the US, where young people are told merely to "abstain", and aren't given adequate information about birth control, and safe sex, there is an epidemic of young women getting pregnant. (even the ones who have made the "silver ring celibacy pledge, just FYI)


Young people are being told that "AIDS is God's Punishment".


They are being told that "condoms don't work", either in preventing STI's OR unwanted pregnancies.


They are unable to access contraceptive services.


They are being denied the choice of safe terminations should they need them.


They are being taught that being Gay makes you some sort of Untermensch, rather than having the opportunity to appreciate and accept themselves, and understand that everyone is valid, and has the right to live peaceably, and happily.


I'm sorry, but that's just utterly wrong.



I thought you were Muslem? When did that religion become so cutting edge and tolerant toward homosexuality etc, etc...?

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No excuse. The non-white populations of such large cities such as Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool Glasgow and London must make up a very large voting bloc and of course they would most likely be inclined to vote for one of their own who was standing for parliament.


In the cities where there are made up from predominately ethnic minorities they do have MPs and Councillors who are from ethnic minorities.


since you cannot answer my question as to when a non-white prime minister might be elected then perhaps you might know what the ratio od non-white MPs is to whites in the Commons


In around 50 or so years our ethnic minorities population have come from a negligible level to 7.9 percent in 2001, so you cannot compare the situation in the UK to the USA.


Your response seems also to suggest that even if your ethnic population is a lot smaller than that in the US that this justifies your not having a prospepective prime minister which further suggests that only non-whites would vote for a non-white candidate.


Not at all, but unfortunately for us our society in still very elitist. It is changing but very slowly. One of the things that I love about the USA is that the American dream does still exist and it is a lot easier there in America rise to the top from the bottom. Obama's rise only highlights this, and reminds me why the USA is truly the land of opportunity.


I have no doubt that here in the UK we will have a primer minister who comes from the ethnic minorities, when is any ones guess.

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I thought you were Muslem? When did that religion become so cutting edge and tolerant toward homosexuality etc, etc...?


Yes a lot of folk's worlds may be turned upside down if people fail to conform to the stereotypes we attribute to them. How dare they?

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The thing that I find offensive and annoying is the word Gay when it is used instead of the proper term 'Homosexual'; as far as I'm concerened they're either homosexuals or lesbians.


Are you kidding? Lesbians are still homosexual, homosexual is not gender specific.

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