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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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In the cities where there are made up from predominately ethnic minorities they do have MPs and Councillors who are from ethnic minorities.




In around 50 or so years our ethnic minorities population have come from a negligible level to 7.9 percent in 2001, so you cannot compare the situation in the UK to the USA.




Not at all, but unfortunately for us our society in still very elitist. It is changing but very slowly. One of the things that I love about the USA is that the American dream does still exist and it is a lot easier there in America rise to the top from the bottom. Obama's rise only highlights this, and reminds me why the USA is truly the land of opportunity.


I have no doubt that here in the UK we will have a primer minister who comes from the ethnic minorities, when is any ones guess.


Good answer and at least honest. The English attitude towards the prospect of a non-white prime minister is definitely negative and basically racist


The funny part of all this is that so many on this forum aren't aware of this

but strangely enough are encyclopedias of knowledge when it comes to American electoral affairs


I'm English myself but I will say that hypocracy is very definitely an English characteristic.

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Good answer and at least honest. The English attitude towards the prospect of a non-white prime minister is definitely negative and basically racist


I don't think that's true. If a candidate of Obama's caliber were ever to appear in UK politics I am 100% sure he'd be elected regardless of the colour of his or her skin.


In fact considering the state of UK politics, half the caliber.


Surveys in the UK were showing a 66% majority in favour of Obama.


I'd wager that racism is less prevalent in the UK than the USA, proportionally.

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I don't think that's true. If a candidate of Obama's caliber were ever to appear in UK politics I am 100% sure he'd be elected regardless of the colour of his or her skin.


In fact considering the state of UK politics, half the caliber.


Surveys in the UK were showing a 66% majority in favour of Obama.


I'd wager that racism is less prevalent in the UK than the USA, proportionally.


Nonsense. We've elected a black American as president. That speaks volumes in itself.

I'll repeat the question again. When will the UK elect a non-white Prime Minister

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Your the deviant. Funny how the more liberally minded of you are the ones that chuck about insults and slag off other peoples beliefs!


Thanks for chucking an insult; if you are average, then I'm glad that I've naturally deviated.


I think that you entirely missed the point. I chucked no insult about in that post, merely invited you to imagine that, for example, your big nose/good memory/eye colour were considered deviant, and how this would make you feel, if you were publicly 'tolerated' with phrases like 'I don't mind your type having big noses, as long as you only use them behind closed doors'. Imagine that I constantly felt that I had the right to highlight this difference.

"Aahh, I guess you're off to do your weird, big nosed activities... just don't let the schools say teach my kids that it's normal"

"I don't know what to do, my son is developing... it might just be a phase...we're hoping it is... his nose just keeps getting bigger"

"I guess it's normal, I've come to terms with it, but his father, MrNM, won't speak to him. It's tearing the family apart"


The basis of the argument being that your sexuality/memory/eye colour/nose size is natural and normal, however it turns out, since it's predominantly biological determined, despite how much it may 'baffle' average people (as you said other sexualities do you).

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You are definitely something of an enigma to me.


Correct me if I'm wrong but your avatar appears to show a woman wearing the Moslem head dress and other attire. If this is correct and you happen yourself to be that person then your tolerant views on homosexuality are definitely at serious odds with the Moslem religion. It's patently obvious that liberal western views on such matters are in violation of Moslem belief


It may or not be a fact that homosexuality might be practiced in secret amongst male Moslems but such behaviour amongst female Moslems would without a doubt result in a severe stoning in the village marketplace or perhaps death by a quicker less painful method.


Guess you can count yourself lucky that you live in a western democracy and can air your liberal views in violation of the doctrines of your chosen religion


Keep it hush hush from the mosque though


Interesting that you advise Plain Talker to keep her tolerant attitude from her religious bretheren, as you would have to keep yours from your church... if you were a tolerant person, that is.


:hihi: I just imagined commenting further on how, in some alternative world, you might be entirely accepting of gays, and then the name HarleyMan just brought to mind a big, old, gay biker bear, protesting too much about how much he likes women! Hell, Yeah! :hihi:

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Interesting that you advise Plain Talker to keep her tolerant attitude from her religious bretheren, as you would have to keep yours from your church... if you were a tolerant person, that is.


:hihi: I just imagined commenting further on how, in some alternative world, you might be entirely accepting of gays, and then the name HarleyMan just brought to mind a big, old, gay biker bear, protesting too much about how much he likes women! Hell, Yeah! :hihi:


When I was a Christian, contrary to expectations, I was (and still am) "pro-choice".


The church I was with was anti-contraception/family planning. I disagreed with that stance, too.


They were generally anti-gay, too. Again, I disagreed with that.


The thing is, you can have a faith, and not necessarily conform 100% to the beliefs or practises of the faith. (I'm sure that most Catholic Christians are against the priests' who "kiddie-fiddle", and I know, personally, of many Catholics who practise birth control, contrary to the Vatican's teachings)


My personal take on faith is that I believe that God (or the DOYC) expects us to exercise some reasoning when it comes to our practises.

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When I was a Christian, contrary to expectations, I was (and still am) "pro-choice".


The church I was with was anti-contraception/family planning. I disagreed with that stance, too.


They were generally anti-gay, too. Again, I disagreed with that.


The thing is, you can have a faith, and not necessarily conform 100% to the beliefs or practises of the faith. (I'm sure that most Catholic Christians are against the priests' who "kiddie-fiddle", and I know, personally, of many Catholics who practise birth control, contrary to the Vatican's teachings)


My personal take on faith is that I believe that God (or the DOYC) expects us to exercise some reasoning when it comes to our practises.


What, and think for ourselves? Revolutionary! ;)

HarleyMan never thought of that one, did he? :hihi:

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Yes a lot of folk's worlds may be turned upside down if people fail to conform to the stereotypes we attribute to them. How dare they?


Point missed! She's either Muslim and conforms to their ideals and beliefs or she's saying she's Muslim to be fashionable if she like a drink and condones homosexuality! It's only cool to bash Christians tho eh! and PT it's just a question not an attempt to make accusations or offend in anyway

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Point missed! She's either Muslim and conforms to their ideals and beliefs or she's saying she's Muslim to be fashionable if she like a drink and condones homosexuality! It's only cool to bash Christians tho eh! and PT it's just a question not an attempt to make accusations or offend in anyway


No it's not, it's cool to bash all foolish conformists. :hihi::hihi:


People who think for themselves, though... you've got to respect them. I have a load of time, respect and admiration for PlainTalker even though I don't care for her religion and see it as a backwards way of thinking. The reason? She thinks for herself.

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Thanks for chucking an insult; if you are average, then I'm glad that I've naturally deviated.


I think that you entirely missed the point. I chucked no insult about in that post, merely invited you to imagine that, for example, your big nose/good memory/eye colour were considered deviant, and how this would make you feel, if you were publicly 'tolerated' with phrases like 'I don't mind your type having big noses, as long as you only use them behind closed doors'. Imagine that I constantly felt that I had the right to highlight this difference.

"Aahh, I guess you're off to do your weird, big nosed activities... just don't let the schools say teach my kids that it's normal"

"I don't know what to do, my son is developing... it might just be a phase...we're hoping it is... his nose just keeps getting bigger"

"I guess it's normal, I've come to terms with it, but his father, MrNM, won't speak to him. It's tearing the family apart"


The basis of the argument being that your sexuality/memory/eye colour/nose size is natural and normal, however it turns out, since it's predominantly biological determined, despite how much it may 'baffle' average people (as you said other sexualities do you).


K, point now received so to speak. I apologise for insulting you in light of the fact that you did not do so first..... and your argument very well put, I'll give you that.

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