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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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You are profoundly mistaken on this point, harleyman. Methinks that you have been away from the UK too long. The prospect of a non-white (or half -or quarter-white) PM would not phase most British people at all, providing he was good enough and was not peddling a racist agenda.


Incidentally, was not that fine example of straight-laced moral rectitude J.Edgar Hoover as bent as a corkscrew?


I'm sure that out of the millions of Britons of immigrant descent that there must already be a number, probably already in minor politics who would be good candidates for Prime Minister in the future. I'm also sure that not all of them would peddle a racist agenda


There is a racist overtone in Britsh society. It was against the Irish before the Jamaicans came then against Hindus and Moslems and lately probably against the Poles. I havent been away that long to realize that a leopard most often than not never changes it's spots


As far as J Edgar is concerned the man was an abomination. I've always believed that organized crime came about so successfully in the US due to him being blackmailed by prominent underworld figures regarding his homosexuality

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Nor mine to attract ignorant vitriol. I've not reported the post - not my style, but that language is offensive, aside from missing the point (again).


I'd rather that you didn't post like that again, please. (BTW, I'm not looking for a mod's job any more than I'm looking to be some leather clad eedjit's bitch)


Why dont you look at your earler post to me?

Big gay bikers? Isn't that insulting?


Don't start things that will rebound on you. That's my advice

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I'm sure that out of the millions of Britons of immigrant descent that there must already be a number, probably already in minor politics who would be good candidates for Prime Minister in the future. I'm also sure that not all of them would peddle a racist agenda


There is a racist overtone in Britsh society. It was against the Irish before the Jamaicans came then against Hindus and Moslems and lately probably against the Poles. I havent been away that long to realize that a leopard most often than not never changes it's spots


As far as J Edgar is concerned the man was an abomination. I've always believed that organized crime came about so successfully in the US due to him being blackmailed by prominent underworld figures regarding his homosexuality


You just don't or never got British society. It was very "classist" or more acuratly elitist, not racist. Upper class Irish people never had any problems climbing through society such as like Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington.

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You just don't or never got British society. It was very "classist" or more acuratly elitist, not racist. Upper class Irish people never had any problems climbing through society such as like Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington.


Being half Irish myself and inheriting the Irish appearance more than the English side I could give you an argument against your statement


I was working as a carpenter on a job at Heathrow airport back in the late 1950s. Most of the crew I worked with were Irish. I can always remember knocking on a door of a boarding house in Hounslow and when it was opened the woman looked at me and without any questions said "Sorry.. we dont take Irish" slamming the door in my face. Most of my fellow workers wcouldn't find accommodation either and ended up staying in some grungy hostel It was quite common back then to see signs saying "No Irish" Believe me. I l saw it. I'm sure that things have improved in England since then but it's still very far from being a racially equal paradise


The upper class Irish as you state weren't really ethnically Irish but descendent of English gentry who by greed and robbery appropriated lands and property from the native Irish. They became "Irish" over generations and I believe fondly referred to themselves as "Anglo-Irish" as the iron duke himself did.

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Being half Irish myself and inheriting the Irish appearance more than the English side I could give you an argument against your statement


I was working as a carpenter on a job at Heathrow airport back in the late 1950s. Most of the crew I worked with were Irish. I can always remember knocking on a door of a boarding house in Hounslow and when it was opened the woman looked at me and without any questions said "Sorry.. we dont take Irish" slamming the door in my face. Most of my fellow workers wcouldn't find accommodation either and ended up staying in some grungy hostel It was quite common back then to see signs saying "No Irish" Believe me. I l saw it. I'm sure that things have improved in England since then but it's still very far from being a racially equal paradise


The upper class Irish as you state weren't really ethnically Irish but descendent of English gentry who by greed and robbery appropriated lands and property from the native Irish. They became "Irish" over generations and I believe fondly referred to themselves as "Anglo-Irish" as the iron duke himself did.


I never said it was perfect, but an Irishman has held the highest offices of the UK well over 150 years ago as well. Do you think that a wealthy Irish person would have trouble getting served in a place that said no Irish? I doubt it.

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Why dont you look at your earler post to me?

Big gay bikers? Isn't that insulting?

Not unless you're bigoted. 'Big', 'gay' and 'biker' aren't insults (if used, as I did non-pejoratively) and I only wrote that your name made me think of one, thus:

:hihi:I just imagined commenting further on how, in some alternative world, you might be entirely accepting of gays, and then the name HarleyMan just brought to mind a big, old, gay biker bear, protesting too much about how much he likes women! Hell, Yeah!:hihi:



Don't start things that will rebound on you. That's my advice

Thanks, but I'll choose my own sources of advice, and would rather keep my own council than take yours.


But to leave your obsession with how straight or gay you might appear, and misrepresenting my sexuality, fancy replying about the actual serious comments on here?

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I never said it was perfect, but an Irishman has held the highest offices of the UK well over 150 years ago as well. Do you think that a wealthy Irish person would have trouble getting served in a place that said no Irish? I doubt it.


Ah yes a wealthy Irish person might but would an obviously working class Irishman with a brogue as thick as an Irish mist be served?


What you're telling me is that only some Irish people might qualify for the attentions of some toffee nosed waiter


If this isn't a form of racism what is?

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Ah yes a wealthy Irish person might but would an obviously working class Irishman with a brogue as thick as an Irish mist be served?


What you're telling me is that only some Irish people might qualify for the attentions of some toffee nosed waiter


If this isn't a form of racism what is?


Elitism maybe, judging people on their class. It was prevalent in this country, I believe that all the working class peoples of the Empire were seen as worthless regardless of their race.


As I said we've has an Irish prime minister in the early 19th century, the establishment accepted him because he was upper class.

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Not unless you're bigoted. 'Big', 'gay' and 'biker' aren't insults (if used, as I did non-pejoratively) and I only wrote that your name made me think of one, thus:





Thanks, but I'll choose my own sources of advice, and would rather keep my own council than take yours.


But to leave your obsession with how straight or gay you might appear, and misrepresenting my sexuality, fancy replying about the actual serious comments on here?


You're easily hurt. Too bad. Who ever said discussion forums weren't rough and tumble.


I'll state my views on a thread subject however popular or unpopular they might appear.


But again try to be careful about making personal and derogatory comments about a person based on the avatar they show who might disagree with you. Not my nature to accept such comments Let's keep it on the thread subject

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Elitism maybe, judging people on their class. It was prevalent in this country, I believe that all the working class peoples of the Empire were seen as worthless regardless of their race.


As I said we've has an Irish prime minister in the early 19th century, the establishment accepted him because he was upper class.


Wellington didn't regard himself as Irish and was apparently the originator of the saying that a cat born in a kipper box is not a kipper (or words to that effect - I think he mentioned horses and stables, but can't be bothered to check). He was Anglo-Irish, which meant he was an Englishman to all intents and purposes - and certainly by self-identification.

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