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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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I suspect the main restriction in the UK to an aspirant Roman Catholic prime minister would be more to do with their stance regarding key Catholic teachings. Tony Blair, while known to have been inclined toward the Catholic faith was never perceived as someone who would stand in the way of embryo research or a woman's right to abortion for instance. I suppose he may reflect with a little irony that it his deviation from church opposition to the Gulf War largely contributed to his loss of popularity.


Interestingly Biden is also in conflict with church teaching particularly his pro-choice stand, a point not lost on some of the US bishops who were nevertheless unable to prevent an estimated 54% (on exit poll) of the Catholic vote going to Obama. While Proposition 8 might have been regarded a succes by the church hierarchy they have not had it all their own way either with the Presidential election or with referendum on abortion (in South Dakota) or embryo stem-cell research (in Michigan).

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I never put you down as a human rights person, did you vote for Obama? Back on topic, it's a shame that California has banned same sex marriage.


No I voted for McCain however I respect the decisons made by voters in the democracy in which I live and I respect Obama as my president for the next four years and wish him well in his endeavours to solve the problems he now faces.


I'm not going to go around for the next four years grouching and complaining and making my life miserable because McCain did not win


As far as gay marriage is concerned the result of the vote was the will of the people and it's pointless for gays to go around grouching and complaining about that either

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Let me correct you.


David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister, was a Noncomformist and worshipped at the Disciples of Christ Chapel in Criccieth, north Wales.


Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister, was a Unitarian - and rejected the C of E doctrine of the Holy Trinity.


More recently, the Conservative Party leader Michael Howard, who was an aspirant to become Prime Minister, is a Jew.


Come on now Redrobbo “Enough already" If I was to suggest that one Gaye marriage over the last 100 hundred years should be considered acceptable”.

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It will dissappoint and make unhappy those that wanted to get married in California.


What about the republican voters that have just lost to the democrats. Do you care about how they feel and how sad they are?


The unfortunate case of all liberals is that they want to climb on the bandwagon of all minorities and harp on about how it is not politically correct.

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nobikejohn and I will be in New York next March, where we will be on holiday following our civil partnerhsip. The flights and hotel are booked.


Amongst other must-see places we want to visit, we are looking forward to an educational visit to the site of the Stonewall riots.


We also have future plans to visit San Franciso.


You too should visit some gay-related places in the USA, for as you say yourself - travel broadens the mind. :thumbsup:


Have a fantastic trip. I am sure you will experience the warmth of the USA and return home more culturally aware.

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Interesting quote Plekhanov: To be more precise David Lloyd George faith was Church of the Disciples of Christ and the current P.M is Church of Scotland. D.L.G was against the hold of the English over the Welsh lands. The Church of Scotland broke away from Rome in the 19th century. Both of the above mentioned churches are protestant.


I would be interested for you to quote me more than two token Catholics that have held a high position in the last 100 hundred years.

I expect there are lots, just off the top of my head Lord Longford (a cabinet minister back in the 60s) was known to be driven by his Catholicism, one of the current members of the cabinet is not only a Catholic but actually in Opus Dei, Anne Widdecombe famously converted to Catholicism though I can't remember if that was during or after the period she was in office.


The Northern Irish and Scottish sectarians aside so far as I can tell hardly anybody could really give a monkeys if a politician is nominally catholic, protestant, agnostic or atheistic. I do get the feeling that the electorate is quite rightly wary of highly religious people of any persuasion though.

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now the idea of gay people getting married is of little interest to this red-blooded heterosexual male (just thought I’d get that in :)), but I’m a liberal sort of guy and what people want to do with their lives is fine by me as long as it doesn’t "pick my pocket or break my bones."


so to see the supporters of Proposition 8 jumping for joy on the news last night made me feel quite sick.


exactly how does two gay people getting married negatively effect the lives of these right-wing Christian nut jobs that they feel it needs outlawing?


it has no effect on their lives whatsoever, so why can't they just ignore it? why do they have to interfere? to see them jumping for joy and shouting, "yippee gays can’t marry" is not the positive celebration of personal gain but the negative celebration of somebody else’s loss.




They will just have to have their kids out of wedlock in that case.

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I expect there are lots, just off the top of my head Lord Longford (a cabinet minister back in the 60s) was known to be driven by his Catholicism, one of the current members of the cabinet is not only a Catholic but actually in Opus Dei, Anne Widdecombe famously converted to Catholicism though I can't remember if that was during or after the period she was in office.


The Northern Irish and Scottish sectarians aside so far as I can tell hardly anybody could really give a monkeys if a politician is nominally catholic, protestant, agnostic or atheistic. I do get the feeling that the electorate is quite rightly wary of highly religious people of any persuasion though.


It was my understanding we where talking establishment. I would agree with you that in the UK the electorate is unaware of the religious persuasion of the candidate. It is purely that the media is informed/chooses not to promote this fact.

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No I voted for McCain however I respect the decisons made by voters in the democracy in which I live and I respect Obama as my president for the next four years and wish him well in his endeavours to solve the problems he now faces.


I'm not going to go around for the next four years grouching and complaining and making my life miserable because McCain did not win


As far as gay marriage is concerned the result of the vote was the will of the people and it's pointless for gays to go around grouching and complaining about that either


Yes, but people went around grouching and complaining when they first got the right, hence it being voted on and taken away again.

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