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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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It was my understanding we where talking establishment. I would agree with you that in the UK the electorate is unaware of the religious persuasion of the candidate. It is purely that the media is informed/chooses not to promote this fact.

:huh: Are you suggesting that 'the establishment' was unaware of Longford's faith and of that of the current cabinet member who's in Opus Dei? What's your point?

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Those who talk about Obama being a secret Muslim are in a small minority.

Please try and give some credit to the intelligence and common sense of the average American voter.

About a quarter of Texans thought he was, 5-10% of the overall population that's a very large minority to believe such patently absurd nonsense. But then again 40 + percent voted to put Palin a hearbeat from the Presidency so large scale idiocy is hardly surprising.


Fact is Obama received a huge vote from the younger generation white voters


Obama was born humble in Arkansas a state that at the time of his birth practiced racial segregation

:huh: He was born in Hawai actually but even if he had been born in Arkansas what of it, are you arguing there are no middle class people there or something?


Obama's origins are middle class not 'humble', his origins are only humble compared to the likes of McCain & Bush's highly privileged upbringings. Unlike those two Obama had to make his way through life on his merits without the connections to smooth the way for him.


I think you are well overdue for an educationlal visit to the USA. Travel broadens the mind dont you know.

Already been & I doubt I'll return.

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As far as gay marriage is concerned the result of the vote was the will of the people and it's pointless for gays to go around grouching and complaining about that either


More precisely, it's the will of the people who voted (we don't know what the peopel who didn't vote think, presumably they don't care), most of which were religious types, so in reality it's the will of one minority dictating the fate of another minority.


Minority wars - LOL


Travel broadens the mind dont you know.


Not in California by the looks of it :)

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:huh: Are you suggesting that 'the establishment' was unaware of Longford's faith and of that of the current cabinet member who's in Opus Dei? What's your point?


My point is quite simple: If a candidate of race or mixed race came to the table and he/she was the best person for the job in the eyes of the electorate he/she would be voted in. I think the UK is beyond colour.


In terms of religion I can not see a UK P.M being anything other than protestant for at least another 20 years.

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My point is quite simple: If a candidate of race or mixed race came to the table and he/she was the best person for the job in the eyes of the electorate he/she would be voted in. I think the UK is beyond colour.

Is it heck, racism is still alive and well in the UK.


Someone with Obama's abilities & above all his charisma could well get elected here but it would still easier for them to do so if they were white.


In terms of religion I can not see a UK P.M being anything other than protestant for at least another 20 years.

:huh: And the grounds for this declaration are what exactly?

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More precisely, it's the will of the people who voted (we don't know what the peopel who didn't vote think, presumably they don't care), most of which were religious types, so in reality it's the will of one minority dictating the fate of another minority.


Minority wars - LOL




Not in California by the looks of it :)


Why do you liberals and activists always break out into whines and snivels when a vote doesn't go your way?


Dont you believe in the democratic traditions of puttingg issues to a vote?


If you're so gung ho about getting gay marriage being legalized why dont you push for it in the UK?


Maybe gay marriage might one day become legal in the US but its got a long way to go since only two states now approve it


Please respect the opinions of people of another sovereign nation and concentrate your efforts in your own back yard

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Is it heck, racism is still alive and well in the UK.


Someone with Obama's abilities & above all his charisma could well get elected here but it would still easier for them to do so if they were white.



:huh: And the grounds for this declaration are what exactly?



Racism is still and kicking in the USA. The issue of being a white Protestant P.M is the norm as history dictates. I often find that the glass is always half empty with some people. But I have the faith that the electorate in the UK would vote for a candidate of race or mixed race because I believe the UK is a tolerant society. But why would consider otherwise.?

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Why do you liberals and activists always break out into whines and snivels when a vote doesn't go your way?


Please respect the opinions of people of another sovereign nation and concentrate your efforts in your own back yard


I'm a bit confused, are you saying that because something wins a vote that proves that everyone supports it, so because Obama won it means that everyone in the US must suport him ?


Or is the case that out of the small number of people who voted, most of them suported the ban ?


Thats how democracy works I know, but you can't draw any conclusion as to what the millions who didn't vote thought about it.

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Racism is still and kicking in the USA.

When did I say it wasn't? I just objected to your patently absurd declaration that 'the UK is beyond colour'.


The issue of being a white Protestant P.M is the norm as history dictates.

And this means a catholic pm couldn't possibly be elected within the next 2 decades why exactly?


I often find that the glass is always half empty with some people. But I have the faith that the electorate in the UK would vote for a candidate of race or mixed race because I believe the UK is a tolerant society. But why would consider otherwise.?

Strawman, I never said the UK wasn't broadly tolerant I simply objected to your absurd claim that the 'the UK is beyond colour'.


On what possible grounds do you claim that anti-catholicism is more prevalent in the UK than racism? How can you seriously claim that we could elect a black PM tomorrow but not a catholic?

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Why do you liberals and activists always break out into whines and snivels when a vote doesn't go your way?


Dont you believe in the democratic traditions of puttingg issues to a vote?


If you're so gung ho about getting gay marriage being legalized why dont you push for it in the UK?


Maybe gay marriage might one day become legal in the US but its got a long way to go since only two states now approve it


Please respect the opinions of people of another sovereign nation and concentrate your efforts in your own back yard


Again, you mean in the same way that the fascists whined and snivelled when it didn't go their way and was allowed? They moaned about it, managed to get everyone to vote AGAIN and it went the other way.

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