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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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If the state didn't get involved in this ceremonial BS anyway, there wouldn't be this problem. The church would be nothing more than a private party organiser :hihi: and it would be able to accept whatever business it wishes. You can bet that in time gay ceremonial services would be set up to compete.


If you love someone, you don't need a legal document to shout it from the roof top, and you shouldn't be entitled to benefits just because you contract with the state and pay a "licence" fee.


However, since marriage IS a legal issue, and ALL citizens fall within the legal realm, ALL citizens should be entitled to marry.



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this guy pretty much sums it up for me




as he says what is it to you who I love? what difference does it make to you who I marry ?


thanks for posting this esme, very moving words indeed. you can tell he was very passionate about this (almost to tears), and who can blame him?


his thoughts are the same as mine as I wrote in the opening post:


to see the supporters of Proposition 8 jumping for joy on the news last night made me feel quite sick.


exactly how does two gay people getting married negatively effect the lives of these people that they feel it needs outlawing?


it has no effect on their lives whatsoever, so why can't they just ignore it? why do they have to interfere? to see them jumping for joy and shouting, "yippee gays can’t marry" is not the positive celebration of personal gain but the negative celebration of somebody else’s loss.

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I liked the comment on interracial marriage and the fact that marriage has already been redefined to get rid of those restrictions and that if they hadn't the parents of the president elect would not have been allowed to be married


marriage is about love nothing else

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marriage is about love nothing else




it is somewhat ironic that the supposed sanctity of marriage, that marriage is only something that can happen between one man and one women, was most heavily promoted by the mormon church.


the same people who once preached that the sanctity of marriage can only be between one man and one woman … and another woman … and another woman … and another woman …




Captain Hypocrisy strikes again.

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this guy pretty much sums it up for me




as he says what is it to you who I love? what difference does it make to you who I marry ?


I am 100% in agreement with you esme.


It shouldn't matter a jot who I or anyone else marries so long as it's not coerced, or forced, or underage.

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Getting back on topic I think its good to see same sex marriage banned,it makes a mockery of why it was invented in the first place.Homsexuals should not be alowed to marry like the rest of us,they are not going to have kids are they so why bother???

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Getting back on topic I think its good to see same sex marriage banned,it makes a mockery of why it was invented in the first place.


How does it do that exactly?

Homsexuals should not be alowed to marry like the rest of us,they are not going to have kids are they so why bother???


Plenty of straight couples get married without intending to have kids - should we ban them too?

Besides, quite a lot of gay couples do have kids these days.

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My partner nobikejohn and I are having our own civil partnership in the Spring. We are busily devising the actual ceremony, choosing music, poems, etc.


Interestingly, it all has to be vetted and approved by the Registrar - solely to ensure that it does not contain any religious references or hymns, is devoid of any mention of a god, and any religious quotations - including any passages from the bible - will all be struck out.


As a sop to the churches, many of whom opposed gay civil partnerships, no religious content is allowed in the actual ceremony. As it happens, neither of us are religious, so it doesn't matter to us. But it does matter to other gay couples, some of whom are religious, who wanted to affirm their love within the context of their religious beliefs - but the churches weren't having any of that.


Wasn't Jesus supposed to be the embodiment of love? Maybe so, but not, it would seem, where the churches are concerned when it is about the love a man has for another man, or a woman has for another woman.

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Getting back on topic I think its good to see same sex marriage banned,it makes a mockery of why it was invented in the first place.Homsexuals should not be alowed to marry like the rest of us,they are not going to have kids are they so why bother???


I'm gay. I'm also having a civil partnership in a few months time. I also happen to have two childen. Your thinking is flawed.

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