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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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Marriage was 'invented' in the first place to pass property (women) from one man (father) to another man (husband). I'm happy for us to move away from that, frankly.


I'm not gay, but if its 'us' on one side and 'them' on the other, I'm with 'them'.


Thanks for that link esme I think its brilliant. so well put.


*Raises hand* count me in with the "them" contingent, too KTB.


As my sig says "A right delayed is a right denied."

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It really doesn't matter if you're gay or straight - I'm straight, I have friends who are gay, I have friends who don't like gays. Each to their own merit - live and let live - the only pillocks that get on my nerves are those that quote from the bible about such things when it suits them - but decide it's not relevant if it's a subject that effects them!


That's called double standards and religious biggotry - sadly a lot of it about!

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Not at all your the one who is flawed, well your behaviour is, so are you saying you are bi sexual ? or did you decide to turn gay?either way its not exactly normal or morally good behaviour is it?

And before you report me or anyone else does you was the one who brought your private situation to this topic.


I have no intention whatsoever of reporting your post samesame. Indeed, let's discuss your post in more detail...


What "behaviour" of mine is flawed, precisely? Please explain.


What is not "normal" about me? I've got blue eyes, my own hair, breathe air, and though admittedly I've a bit of pot belly, I'm at a loss to understand why you think I'm not "normal"?


And, very interestingly, could you explain why you assert that I do not have "morally good behaviour"? I don't do drugs, rarely drink alcohol, am faithful to my partner and have no criminal record. As I took our new vicar around his parish a while ago - do you think there is something he ought to know about my morals? Please, do tell.


Or are you someone who, sadly and like a number of Americans in California who voted against gay marriage, simply can't see that homosexuals are in fact normal human beings?


In answer to your very personal questions about me, please look up my post at number 652 on this thread: Homosexuality- is it in your genes or is it a result of what happens to you? (Apologies, but I don't know how to do links on my new computer!).

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I have no intention whatsoever of reporting your post samesame. Indeed, let's discuss your post in more detail...


What "behaviour" of mine is flawed, precisely? Please explain.


What is not "normal" about me? I've got blue eyes, my own hair, breathe air, and though admittedly I've a bit of pot belly, I'm at a loss to understand why you think I'm not "normal"?


And, very interestingly, could you explain why you assert that I do not have "morally good behaviour"? I don't do drugs, rarely drink alcohol, am faithful to my partner and have no criminal record. As I took our new vicar around his parish a while ago - do you think there is something he ought to know about my morals? Please, do tell.


Or are you someone who, sadly and like a number of Americans in California who voted against gay marriage, simply can't see that homosexuals are in fact normal human beings?


In answer to your very personal questions about me, please look up my post at number 652 on this thread: Homosexuality- is it in your genes or is it a result of what happens to you? (Apologies, but I don't know how to do links on my new computer!).


I dont want this to get personal so i will decline your request,suffice to say I find your behaviour morrally repugnant to say the least.sorry but thats my view and we are all entitiled to our opinions.so lets leave it at that shall we.

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I dont want this to get personal so i will decline your request,suffice to say I find your behaviour morrally repugnant to say the least.sorry but thats my view and we are all entitiled to our opinions.so lets leave it at that shall we.


Oh I seeeee.


You find our beloved redrobbo morally repugnant just because you do.


Well thats a fab explanation thanks.

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Will kids who grew up in same sex parent households not spend hours on a psychiatrist's couch wondering why they have an attraction to the opposite sex?


why should they ?


I grew up with heterosexual parents, all my relatives and friends to the best of my knowledge were heterosexual


any image of homosexuality that was presented to me when I grew up was uniformly negative, these relationships were depicted as deviant and abnormal and believe me back in the 50's and 60's this was something to avoid, psychiatric treatment at the time consisted of aversion and electroshock therapy, a fancy name for strapping electrodes to peoples heads and bodies and giving them electric shocks if they show the slightest attraction to images of the same gender, or in other words torture with medical approval


I believe the men also had another option of chemical castration or even physical castration


I sure as hell didn't want any of that


and yet here I am healthy, happy, in a stable loving relationship with my partner of nearly 7 years now, highly educated, a homeowner, contributing to society with my own business, never had need of a psychiatrist in my life and we don't have children well I think I'm a bit old for that


at least two of my heterosexual neighbours got divorced within 6 years of getting married, at least one is undergoing some form of psychiatric therapy, I'm the only one I know of round here running a business and at least two of them have no children and seem to have no intention of having any


I have straight friends some of whom have children, I have gay friends some of whom have children, everybody knows, nobody is bothered


so being gay isn't really a problem unless someone decides to make it a problem


you seem to be someone who wants to make it a problem, why?


what does denying me the right to marry the person I love do for you personally ?


what does denying me the same rights as anyone else do for you personally ?


serial killers who eat their victims and are on death row can still get married and you want to deny me this right ? why ? what does it do for you ?

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why should they ?


I grew up with heterosexual parents, all my relatives and friends to the best of my knowledge were heterosexual


any image of homosexuality that was presented to me when I grew up was uniformly negative, these relationships were depicted as deviant and abnormal and believe me back in the 50's and 60's this was something to avoid, psychiatric treatment at the time consisted of aversion and electroshock therapy, a fancy name for strapping electrodes to peoples heads and bodies and giving them electric shocks if they show the slightest attraction to images of the same gender, or in other words torture with medical approval


I believe the men also had another option of chemical castration or even physical castration


I sure as hell didn't want any of that


and yet here I am healthy, happy, in a stable loving relationship with my partner of nearly 7 years now, highly educated, a homeowner, contributing to society with my own business, never had need of a psychiatrist in my life and we don't have children well I think I'm a bit old for that


at least two of my heterosexual neighbours got divorced within 6 years of getting married, at least one is undergoing some form of psychiatric therapy, I'm the only one I know of round here running a business and at least two of them have no children and seem to have no intention of having any


I have straight friends some of whom have children, I have gay friends some of whom have children, everybody knows, nobody is bothered


so being gay isn't really a problem unless someone decides to make it a problem


you seem to be someone who wants to make it a problem, why?


what does denying me the right to marry the person I love do for you personally ?


what does denying me the same rights as anyone else do for you personally ?


serial killers who eat their victims and are on death row can still get married and you want to deny me this right ? why ? what does it do for you ?


You're getting all defensive for no reason. The reason I asked the question is because the kids that are adopted by gay parents have not yet come of age so how they will deal with feelings, on reaching adulthood, for the opposite sex is still an unknown factor to consider


I am not saying this applies to all gays but it's a fact that amongst many of them there is a dislike of the opposite sex for one reason or another


A child growing up in a same sex parent household would have no problem dealing with an attraction to the opposite sex on reaching puberty if the upringing he/she experienced did not include any parental brainwashing about the "evils" of the opposite sex of those parents. As we all know a child's mind is the easiest thing to influence on any subject

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