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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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Christian fundamentalist nut jobs - I'm sorry - but that's all they are - bloody religious homophobic bigots!:rant:


I once had a "discussion" with a friend of mine's dad - he's a christian fundamentalist - he thinks that makes him sound committed - I personally think it makes him sound like he needs committing.:loopy:


He considers......Muslims, Homosexuals, Rapists and Paedophiles all to be equal in sin. :loopy:


I hate religion - I hate religion even more when it's fundamental religion and when these morons get involved in policy making - oh HELL NO! :o


Live and let live.....I'm hetro but who am I to judge another human being? Who the hell is anyone to say "you can/can't get married if you're the same sex".


Whilst America has shown immense progress in electing Obama - it's also shown its achillies heel by the fact that state legislators can get away with crap like this.


Rant over :)


Mick x

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it is sad that some residents in the US cannot recognise that a major purpose of the Constitution is to protect minorities from majorities (even when the majority is only 52%). life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and all that.


it is also sad that some residents in the US have fallen for the BS from the Proposition 8 promoters in their many very expensive commercials.


"Mom, guess what I learned in school today?" a little girl said in one spot. "I learned how a prince married a prince."


As the girl's mother made a horrified face, a voice-over said: "Think it can't happen? It's already happened ... Teaching about gay marriage will happen unless we pass Proposition 8."




many voters said they had been swayed by that message, that if they voted no your children would be forced to learn about anal sex at the age of 3, and oh yes, the old "gays will recruit your kids" nonsense. the use of children to lever this measure through has been particularly nasty.


a poster here has admitted to falling for the sales pitch. he should ask himself if Proposition 8 was to ensure that "our kids and grand kids will now be spared the experience of being taught in school that same sex marriage is a normal part of life", why it didn’t limit itself to that, why restricting other people’s freedoms was necessary?


of course restricting other people’s freedoms was necessary because the supporters of the measure really are bigoted and homophobic.


finally, those who believe that the sanctity of marriage can only be in the union of one man and one woman should consider John Barrowman and Britney Spears. one can be with his long term partner for many years and not allowed to marry, the other may be allowed to get married at The Little White Wedding Chapel after getting drunk in some casino. obviously what really matters to the Proposition 8 supporters is what’s between their legs, it is fundamentally more important than, err what’s that word again …. oh yes … LOVE.

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Dont equate civil rights struggles of the sixties with the agendas of a bunch of perverts.


I can just see a future scenario taking place in any one church in California had the marriage ban failed. The loving couple (dike or gay) standing at the altar with big smirks on their faces as some hapless priest has to perform a marriage ceremony or he and his church having to face a lawsuit.

The newly married couple afterwards mincing out of the church and giving the one finger salute to the priest and the all the normal church members.

"We're here to stay... so F you all" They shout


You're obviously far too bigoted and intolerant to be able to understand that just because you don't like the way some people live (without harming anybody else) it doesn't mean they are wrong and immoral.


I feel sorry for the children and grandchildren you think have been "protected" by this ban. They will just end up like you, poor things, not able to think for themselves, but only able to parrot the prejudices they have been taught.

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Dont equate civil rights struggles of the sixties with the agendas of a bunch of perverts.


I can just see a future scenario taking place in any one church in California had the marriage ban failed. The loving couple (dike or gay) standing at the altar with big smirks on their faces as some hapless priest has to perform a marriage ceremony or he and his church having to face a lawsuit.

The newly married couple afterwards mincing out of the church and giving the one finger salute to the priest and the all the normal church members.

"We're here to stay... so F you all" They shout


Your comments are so offensive.


How dare you describe gay people as perverts.


And who is suggesting that the "happy couple" would be saluting society in that way, when all they are asking is the same rights as other people?

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You're obviously far too bigoted and intolerant to be able to understand that just because you don't like the way some people live (without harming anybody else) it doesn't mean they are wrong and immoral.


I feel sorry for the children and grandchildren you think have been "protected" by this ban. They will just end up like you, poor things, not able to think for themselves, but only able to parrot the prejudices they have been taught.




whilst getting "knocked up" left right and centre because they have been denied the basic info about relationships and contraception thanks to those self-same holier-than-thou's.

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There are only about two states which recognise gay marriage. Two states out of 50.


We dont want decadent European liberal ideas here. The people who pushed for gay marriage in California are a bunch of white elitists in San Francisico.


They do not represent the ideals of the rest of the people in this state.


Maybe 2/50 but since you're only just replacing a junta who engineered election fraud to gain power 8 years ago, your management of laws may not be worth trusting too thoroughly.


You do have decadent, liberal ideas there. It's just they apply to your economic values: Live for today, the hell with sustainability, overstuff our bellies, destroy the environment, do whatever we feel like as long as you're all right in the homeland... Our values are liberal in largely different ways, and they do not lack moral fortitude, nor sense.


As for who pushed for the bill, that's less relevant than its content.


It would be worth remembering that your constitution does not enshrine a religious state, but instead one in which (finally!) all men are created equal.

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Neither do all the straight people who marry.
all the straight people ? how do you work that out,many straight people marry and have kids


gays marrying is just a "look we got equality " thing,all it does is give them credance,marriage is just for the convieniance of the law,if you live together and one dies it may be hard for the partner to claim the estate, a civil ceromony gives legitamacy to a claim on a will,apart from they have a little bit of paper to wave and say to their friends..." look,we are married " much the same as a straight couple,but the straight couple dont make so much fuss about it i suppose,perhaps because it's a new fad.in years to come no one will bother about it i wager

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all the straight people ? how do you work that out,many straight people marry and have kids


Which doesn't contradict my fishy friend's assertion that "Neither do all the straight people who marry [have children]"


which is 100 percent true.


There are plenty of heterosexual married couples that don't have kids.

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Which doesn't contradict my fishy friend's assertion that "Neither do all the straight people who marry [have children]"


which is 100 percent true.


There are plenty of heterosexual married couples that don't have kids.

note the word in my post that says "many"...


those that dont either make the decision not to,or are medically incapable of producing children

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