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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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As a resident of southern California (as opposed to northern California) I rejoice at the ban on gay marriage.


My advice to the limp wrist brigade would be to move either to Masachusetts or Connecticut where gay marriage is legal


Dont equate civil rights struggles of the sixties with the agendas of a bunch of perverts.


Your use of derogatory remarks, e.g., "limp wristed brigade" and "perverts" simply confirms that you are a bigot.

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Maybe then they can all fly over to England and get married in the Anglican Church which has already married quite a few I understand. Better hurry though because the way things are going that particular church might not be around much longer due to it's policies.


Same sex marriage is not allowed in the UK, so they are not permitted in churches of any description, including the Anglican church.


Civil partnerships between couples of the same gender are permitted in the UK, but not in churches.

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So are you saying that only white people are Christian?? Or denying the fact that the campaign against gay marriage was organised by Christians?


Not at all, as flamingjimmy pointed out christians voted about 2 thirds to 1 for the ban.


My point was the immediate reaction on this thread was to blame your average white Christian's by calling them nut jobs and whacko's with no sense of looking for the facts of the matter. Pretty much par for the course round here though like I said.

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Same sex marriage is not allowed in the UK, so they are not permitted in churches of any description, including the Anglican church. Civil partnerships between couples of the same gender are permitted in the UK, but not in churches.


Okay so why should same sex marriages be allowed here

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Not at all, as flamingjimmy pointed out christians voted about 2 thirds to 1 for the ban.


My point was the immediate reaction on this thread was to blame your average white Christian's by calling them nut jobs and whacko's with no sense of looking for the facts of the matter. Pretty much par for the course round here though like I said.


I've read through the thread and can't see any specific references to "white Christians" - are you sure you're not guilty of a knee-jerk reaction by assuming that the "nut jobs and whacko's" referred to are all white?

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I'm glad that you agree that you are a decadent, liberal society. Now if your potentially wonderful country can only remove some of the blinkered selfishness inherent in its version of liberality, then you could develop into an enviable beacon of democratic civility.


Oh and people drive vehicles here alright; far too much; that was never my point. Would you like to compare average EU and US mpg (even taking into account your more efficient 55mph limits)?


And democracy? One, it's overrated (have you ever talked to an truly average person - why let them decide anything important? :hihi:), and two, if that's the sort of choice that it makes then it's not exactly advancing you as a nation. Perhaps it's the vast sums of money thrown at sensationalist propaganda that does little to provide the electorate with balanced or reasoned arguments. "I voted against pervert marriage so that teachers couldn't help groom my children for paedophiles" The pinnacle of democracy, indeed!


The little cracker boxes that pass for cars in Europe would never function on highways covering vast distances in this country


Your moralizing self righteousness when it comes to the USA really amuses me. Europe today is a society in moral decline. Has lost the ability to lead, the will to stand up to terrorism and the next world power will be China.

They'll own Europe ten years from now


Oh dear! What a pity that my grand kids will now be deprived of that culturally educational experience of learning that same sex marriages are the norm


I'm sure had it been otherwise they would have eventually asked why of all the species on earth only the human kind practice buggery

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The little cracker boxes that pass for cars in Europe would never function on highways covering vast distances in this country


Your moralizing self righteousness when it comes to the USA really amuses me. Europe today is a society in moral decline. Has lost the ability to lead, the will to stand up to terrorism and the next world power will be China.

They'll own Europe ten years from now


Oh dear! What a pity that my grand kids will now be deprived of that culturally educational experience of learning that same sex marriages are the norm


I'm sure had it been otherwise they would have eventually asked why of all the species on earth only the human kind practice buggery


(My bold)


America has only just got back into a positive spotlight with Obama, the country has spent the past ten years being a laughing stock when it comes to politics, just as California is now a laughing stock for allowing this ban. America is going to change one day, or else it will be left behind in the dark ages.

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of all the species on earth only the human kind practice buggery


Not true, not true at all, firstly there's bonobos http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonobo#Sexual_social_behavior


then there's documented evidence of many other animals engaging in 'buggery'






"It says homosexuality has been observed among 1,500 species, and that in 500 of those it is well documented." - from the second link.


As you can see it's quite natural plenty of Animals do it.

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I couldn't even get through this last page I am SICK by the comments of Americans on here. It's people like YOU that make me want to move out of my country. The way I see it, it's no one's damn business who marries who. My uncle was a proud gay man and I wish he was here today to give these opinionated bigots a piece of his mind. I don't know how you can sleep at night after saying that HUMAN BEINGS who don't think like you and don't have the same beliefs as you are going to hell. I am disgusted with the people who represent America on this board with these kinds of views.


(My rant was not at everyone on this thread, I hope people are aware of that).

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