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California bans same-sex marriage - ban overturned

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If you want to know what happens in an open liberal society. Look no further than the Netherlands where tolerance has created decadent mayhem.The vast majority of tax paying dutch now disagree with openness but dare not voice their opinion in public for fear of being labeled " not politically correct".


Do you have any evidence to back up your assertions?

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I've read through the thread and can't see any specific references to "white Christians" - are you sure you're not guilty of a knee-jerk reaction by assuming that the "nut jobs and whacko's" referred to are all white?




You must be either very naive or, more likely, are trying to be smart.


Knocking white, middle class America is a hobby of various people on this forum and they used code words like "right-wing" and "nut jobs". We all know full well they are referring to the "George Bush" caricature if you want, so using the above phrases as well as singling out Christians made it pretty obvious...


Unless you are playing silly buggers of course!

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You must be either very naive or, more likely, are trying to be smart.


Knocking white, middle class America is a hobby of various people on this forum and they used code words like "right-wing" and "nut jobs". We all know full well they are referring to the "George Bush" caricature if you want, so using the above phrases as well as singling out Christians made it pretty obvious...


Unless you are playing silly buggers of course!


If, by smart you mean intelligent, then I really don't have to try at all.


And, if a group of Forummers which insults white, middle class Americans by the cunning use of a "code" exists outside your paranoid imagination, I'm certainly not a member of it.

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Economic valiues? Yes. Work hard and enjoy the money you earn from your labours


Live for today? Yes. Enjoy life because it's all a one shot deal. After that it's six feet of dirt and maggots


Overstuff our bellies? Some do. I dont. But dont you enjoy stuffing your bellies in England? Guess you do since McDonalds, Burger King et al do a roaring trade and obesity in the younger generation is now a problem in the UK


Destroy the environment? Oh I see. Nobody drives cars in England right?

Mobile, Exxon, Shell, Chevron all going out of business over there are they because the population have all renounced their use of the internal combustion engine?


Decide what is right, decent and acceptable by putting it to a vote by the people.

Government by the people for the people.

That's why proposition 8 passed. It was passed by a vote of the people.

Cant get much more democratic than that



Live for today? Make the most of your life and contribute to a society so that your children or future generations may inherit a better and cleaner world.



Overstuff our bellies? A marketing slogan that was exported from the USA in the decadent Eighties. Europeans now choose a cleaner,healthier lifestyle.



Destroy the environment? A policy followed by the American corprotocracy " Profit at all costs". We now hope that Barak Obama will keep to his election promises and put the enviroment at the forefront of his political agenda.



The USA has been a dominant power in the last twenty years and the geopolitical order is now changing. In order for the USA to maintain its power it is highly likely over the next 20 years, there will be Euroland style North America consisting of the USA,Mexico and Canada which will end the life cycle of the mighty petro-dollar and a creation of the Amereuro currency.Europeans owe a lot to the USA unfortunatly over the last 20 years American policy has over extended its belief which has led to their own demise and the creation sino power.


In respect of moral values both Americans and Europeans(UK inc) need to adjust their beliefs to the past. There can be no future without looking to the past " hind-sight is 20/20".


We all hope that Barak Obama will be " Good to his word" as the mighty ship USA is sailing in treacherous waters and we Europeans have been led blindly.

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If, by smart you mean intelligent, then I really don't have to try at all.


And, if a group of Forummers which insults white, middle class Americans by the cunning use of a "code" exists outside your paranoid imagination, I'm certainly not a member of it.


Yet again you know full well what I am talking about but confuse the issue by being silly. It's not rocket science that various people on here love to put down the US using stupid caricatures and clichés.


This was just another example of that kind of reductionist thinkings inadequacies. The first post blames the ban on gay marriage 100% on "right wing, christian nut jobs" despite the fact there is much more to it as I showed with the voting percentages. I somehow doubt the (Probably fairly small) Muslim vote was in favour for example!


Oh and by the way you really do need to try at being smart, your laid back approach isn't working too well. ;)

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I don't need to find you one poster on here who's spent £20,000 on a wedding - I was quoting the average cost for a UK wedding, that I've heard bandied about. I can't find a link to illustrate this amount, just one from last year that says the average is £25,000.


The UK is a secular state - just like the US is supposed to be - so our laws are not based on the bible, King James version or otherwise. It doesn't matter how many people have Christian values - they're still not entitled to force people who don't share those values to live by them.


Saying prejudice is bound to exist is no reason for tolerating it. And because another religion actually kills people for not conforming to a particular part of their beliefs does not mean it's OK for some Christians to "just" impose their rules on other people.

your link refers to celebrities that can afford to lash out £ 25 000 pounds on a wedding,hardly the average wedding you first mentioned


as for saying our laws are not based on the bible i would suggest you take a long look at the ten commandments,and also in a court of law you have to swear on the bible or affirm,why is that if our nations laws are not linked to religious belief ?


you must keep in mind that many of our laws are centuries old,from a time when the church was almost as powerful as the king,when those laws were brought in people were forced to go to church or suffer the penalty of law, heretics were killed and in the mid 1500's one man changed the whole faith of britain and made laws to back himself up,so,we may be secular,but we as a nation are based on a christian religion and the establishment still follow those archaic rules to some extent.

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(My bold)


America has only just got back into a positive spotlight with Obama, the country has spent the past ten years being a laughing stock when it comes to politics, just as California is now a laughing stock for allowing this ban. America is going to change one day, or else it will be left behind in the dark ages.


Dark ages or queer ages ?


Cease your self righteous warbling. England doesn't allow gay marriage either.


Why is it that you people always seem to know what's good for America even though most of you haven't even been here


I've read more tripe about the USA on this forum to last a lifetime


I suppose that the US will have to go on leading the world since Europe seems incapable of exerting any of it's influence despite it's wealth and resources


As far as electing the first black president is concerned this country has taken a giant step forward.


When will any country in Europe elect a minority leader?


England, a prime minister of West Indian, Indian or Pakistani descent?

Several generations of these ethnic groups have been born in the UK


France, a premier of French Algerian descent?


Germany, a leader of Turkish descent?


Truth is probably never. What is the ratio of minority MPs in the Commons to that of white MPs?

That would be interesting to know

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