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Where is the line drawn on trolling?

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bago, we do not always agree with each other on here but i can remember vividly when you were hounded nearly every time you posted and it did seem like there was no one there {the mods} to balance the scales a little.


i hope you have bounced back from it and continue to post exactly what you feel on here:)

I am not sure if we ever did disagree... :(

One thing is for sure, and I thank you at the bottom of my heart for stepping in at those times. Your injection was purely appreciated, and it did defuse something. One other person who could spot these moments were JoeP who had an amazing EQ which I truly respected. I am sad that he is gone as well.


I did think about why the mods did not intervene or whether it was done on purpose or not. I am sure that we are all human, and the lack of intervention also did take place on purpose too, maybe in a way for someone like myself to get taught a lesson.


I have now moved on and away from Sheffield as well. What goes round will continue to go round, and the debates, and cyclic arguments will still continue in years to come, I'm sure. For me, I am in a better place, and I sometimes think about the people that were kind to me in its earlier days, and I do check and wondered where the people are now. In the earlier days that I joined the site, I did meet a lot of really nice people, and their kind words will be stuck with me always, especially when I went through a bad patch. I shall slot that memory into my good memory bank of Sheffield.


What I am sadden to say is that the amount of negative comments on racial issues had indeed made me change the way I view Sheffield. That I am really sadden about. It is one thing if you did not know something, but it is another if you knew, but continually to take such a stance and action on things.


Anyway, instead of voicing my opinions as an ethnic minority from my own viewpoint, I shall let others voice it for me, and let the rant continue and let it be cyclic forever more. People can fight to their bitter deaths and be cynical all they want, while life in the real world can and still continues...


The definition of trolling here is not accepting someone's opinion and actually cut them out from voicing it through reporting them to the Mods. I used to laugh a little when BT retort back to some of the very mundane and stupid comments which in his eyes were said to be deliberately obtusive. It was definitely at that moment which made me see that the forum owners wanted to shape this site to be a particular style and let its own posters rule itself. Which means in my eyes that, there is no room for me here.

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how else, would you suggest we as a community deal with them max?


i vote name and shame :D


But it doesn't shame them. It gives their vanity another little boost and they register with yet another silly name and post more of their inane drivel and their little friends go "ooh, isn't s/he clever, they've come on again and posted their clever little rubbish, snigger, snigger". Allegedly. ;)

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But it doesn't shame them. It gives their vanity another little boost and they register with yet another silly name and post more of their inane drivel and their little friends go "ooh, isn't s/he clever, they've come on again and posted their clever little rubbish, snigger, snigger". Allegedly. ;)
All too easy for you to knock them when they cant talk back, saying little egos and inane drivel but none of th stuff he posted in a long time has been anything but valid comment, said calmy based on fact.

doesnt stop you from deleting it off thn saying it was inane drivel though does it when he cant argue back?

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All too easy for you to knock them when they cant talk back, saying little egos and inane drivel but none of th stuff he posted in a long time has been anything but valid comment, said calmy based on fact.

doesnt stop you from deleting it off thn saying it was inane drivel though does it when he cant argue back?


Mate, don't go there, you KNOW the Mods don't like it when you disagree with them, don't make Max go all big bold fonts on you! :D

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But it doesn't shame them. It gives their vanity another little boost and they register with yet another silly name and post more of their inane drivel and their little friends go "ooh, isn't s/he clever, they've come on again and posted their clever little rubbish, snigger, snigger". Allegedly. ;)


you are right, of course max. i guess we know who he is anyway now :)

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