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A big thanks to everyone who helped make Friday night’s benefit such a success – it was one-in one-out by midnight!


Big shouts out to all the DJs and acts who played for free, all the nights who did so much to help, especially the Riddimtion crew for their technical help, to Hallam Union for doing stuff at cost and donating a percentage of the bar takings, to the technical crew at the HUBs, the ticket & flyer printers for helping out, and to everyone who helped with publicity and getting the word about.


Not such big thanks to the company that could have helped but didn’t…


But most of all – thanks to everyone who came down and had a good night and raised a lot of money for a very good cause.


Need to wait until the dust has settled to work out exactly how much was raised – final figures will be out next week - but it’ll be about £3,500- £4,000 to be split between the Disaster Emergency Committee and OXFAM.





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