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Please can anyone help


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my 20yrold cat died on the way to vets on halloween i said that was it no more i was heartbroken but couldnt get used to having no cat cuddling up to me on the bed so i wentto thornberry to get a older rescue i found charlie 11yrold cruelty case a few bowls of royal canin and 5 beds to choose from he is in his element , then the rspca inspector of whom uses the same vet as me phoned me to tell me a 13yr old cat had been left outside the pdsa in a box me been a soft touch fetched her home she is in very good condtion and a little overweight i think she belonged to a old person and the relatives dumped her she is petified in my house wont eat or drink or toilet and hasnt come out of from under the bed since this cant go on my boys of whom are very loud and move fast are autistic she is scared of them , she is loving with me when i talk to her but i think she has lived in a quiet household as the only cat she is so unhappy what can i do i told the inspector i would find her a home if she didnt settle with the kids and charlie as he had dealt with 88 cats that week all she wants is to be loved but is so scared she wont eat can anyone help i dont want her to have to live like this

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I am so sorry to hear about your old cat:( As for the 13 yr old it's behaviour is very similar to our old cat Sam that we got from Sheffield Cats Shelter years ago. It hid for 3 days and we couldn't find it even though we could hear it, it didn't eat in almost a week. It had been kicked in the head by the grandson of an elderly lady to the extent it lost it's eye and was very untrusting of people. A neighbour at the time leant me a pet psychology book and within 4 days the cat was sat on my lap and never left my side. I know this is going to sound really daft, but you have to get down to it's level. If it's hiding under the bed, literally lie on the floor facing the cat and blink slowly, then bow your head down and count to 10, repeat 3 times. It is a sort of submission signal and the cat feels less threatened. Do this several times a day and after day 2 or 3 try putting some food a few feet away from you when you do it and see what happens. If it doesn't come to the food whilst you are there leave it there and see if it takes it once you are gone.

It can be a slow process, but hopefully it will come round. I've used the same method on a few customers cats too who are very nervous with good results.


Good luck

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I am so sorry to hear about your old cat:( As for the 13 yr old it's behaviour is very similar to our old cat Sam that we got from Sheffield Cats Shelter years ago. It hid for 3 days and we couldn't find it even though we could hear it, it didn't eat in almost a week. It had been kicked in the head by the grandson of an elderly lady to the extent it lost it's eye and was very untrusting of people. A neighbour at the time leant me a pet psychology book and within 4 days the cat was sat on my lap and never left my side. I know this is going to sound really daft, but you have to get down to it's level. If it's hiding under the bed, literally lie on the floor facing the cat and blink slowly, then bow your head down and count to 10, repeat 3 times. It is a sort of submission signal and the cat feels less threatened. Do this several times a day and after day 2 or 3 try putting some food a few feet away from you when you do it and see what happens. If it doesn't come to the food whilst you are there leave it there and see if it takes it once you are gone.

It can be a slow process, but hopefully it will come round. I've used the same method on a few customers cats too who are very nervous with good results.


Good luck

thankyou i will try that i have layed on the floor with her but not with the signals i will give it a go though , if she doesnt come round soon i will have to look at rehoming her for her own wellbeing i think poor girl she is beautiful has a big fat cheshire cat face which i just want to stroke
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The blinky thing is helpful and so is not looming over her by getting down to her level. It's possible that she would be this traumatised no matter where she was at the moment, even if she was somewhere quiet and calm. If she's had a tough time and lost her human then she'll need time to get used to it all and come out of her shell a bit. I've seen it so often at the Shelter- all they need is a few weeks to start finding their level and working out that the abandoment isn't going to happen all over again.


Good luck with her, whether that includes keeping her yourself or finding a loving forever home for her. The oldest cat I adopted was 14- there are plenty of people out there who have love for the geriatric furries ;)

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i also love oldies and would choose one over a kitten anyday i lived with a oldie that long with my 20yrold thats what i am use to , when i first brought her home she was great till she saw charlie my 11yrold rescue and heard the kids now she doesnt come out at all, if anyone can offer her a forever home in better circumstances than she has now i think it would be kinder to let her go

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Aww sheff290, so sorry to hear about your recent loss - but well done for offering another oldie a second chance. Oldies don't ask for much, they tend to sleep a lot of the time and as long as they have a reliable supply of food, somewhere warm and safe to sleep and a quiet area to toilet, I'm sure your new friend will settle in. It can take a few days for a cat to come to terms with its new surroundings, so don't give up hope - she'll eat when she's ready and then she's start to relax and find her way around. Give her time. xK

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i cant give her much longer she will be ill i think as she hasnt ate or drank since nearly a week ago , i dont want to send her back , there must be someone out there that can give her the attention she needs , i was silly really when i went to get charlie i took one of my autistic boys with me so i would get the right cat for my sons and the right home for the cat when my son was screaming flapping and spinning charlie just purred it didnt faze him and he is like lord of the manor thats why i those him, this cat i just took on trust and my boys are to much for her , she isnt really nasty just scared i dont think here is good for her

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I'd love to be offer her a dignified place to grow old, but my home is just as loud as yours I'm afraid (loud music, visiting children and a big daft dog).


I really hope that you find somewhere quiet and calm where she can rebuild some confidence.

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Another spot of favoratism.... I post a rehoming thread and it's immediately closed (the poor cat is still locked away in the cattery desperate for a loving home).


This was is visited 3 times by the admin team and is still open.


Is it unreasonable to look for consistency?

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