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Please can anyone help


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If you're a Canin fan how about trying some Babycat biscuits with her? They're teeny little biscuits suitable for tiny mouths and she'd only have to eat a really small amount of them to get her calorie needs (although you'd have to be really careful about her not getting even more overweight).


Failing that, either wet her biscuits with a little warm water or give her a little wet food as a treat or as a bribe for coming out then leave biscuits down for the rest of the time. It's perfectly safe for cats to swallow biscuits without chewing them and I've seen dozens of cats with no teeth at all eating biscuits successfully (it hardens up their gums which is really good for them).

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If you're a Canin fan how about trying some Babycat biscuits with her? They're teeny little biscuits suitable for tiny mouths and she'd only have to eat a really small amount of them to get her calorie needs (although you'd have to be really careful about her not getting even more overweight).


Failing that, either wet her biscuits with a little warm water or give her a little wet food as a treat or as a bribe for coming out then leave biscuits down for the rest of the time. It's perfectly safe for cats to swallow biscuits without chewing them and I've seen dozens of cats with no teeth at all eating biscuits successfully (it hardens up their gums which is really good for them).

thats just the thing she is a right porker i am going to take her to the vets to weigh her when she is a little more settled, her tummy trails on the ground bless her i need to feed her something thats going to keep her weight at bay, she looks like a pj case at the moment someone has love her to much thats for sure but why dump her
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They all come round eventually - but it's on their terms. And it's so worthwhile when they do. Some of my Cole Bros ferals took 5 years to come in the house but when they did they never went out again! They hid away most of the day, coming out at night, and were quite happy to do this all life long! Stay with it Sheff290. You are doing everything right. Stroking her back is the first step. She'll be ok. If she can eat wet food then wet food it needs to be! Don't worry. x
dont tell me that i hate it haha ive seen ferals in the last year near coles at side of a takeaway tabbys , dont worry i have all the time in the world with her i have to in my life to cope with autistic boys i find animals a breeze at side of them all they ask for is a cuddle and food and water not talking none stop about one subject for 3days i think she is going to be just fine with time when she stays out for long enough i will get some photos up
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Burns do a kitten biscuit, which is great for cats without many teeth as they are tiny biscuits, you can also soak them to make a mush to help her. Let me know if you want a free sample.

i feed my bulldogs on them as bulldogs suffer terrible from wind not nice , they have no pride i will try to see if they do fatty food for big girls thanks for the offer very kind of you

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