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Valley Centertaintment restaurants


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went down there for some nose bag yesterday,we ususlly use fatty arbuckles as its my daughters favourite,as she wasn't with us we decided to try a different one,we went to frankie and benny's....so many to chose from but we were parked closer to that one ....the food was very nice as was the service but no different at all from faty arbuckles...if i didn't know different i'd swear they had the same chef and more or less the same menu,are they all like that and if so why so many doing the same thing:confused: :confused: :confused:

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I've always thought the restaurants down there were pretty much interchangeable - and not particularly good to boot.


If one of them closed down and reopened as, say, a chinese buffet they'd make a killing.

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Yeah i agree although i hate Chinese! Ive been to them all apart from fatty arbuckles but if i had to choose i would definately recommend new orleans its slighlty different and serves crocodile! No i havent tried it!

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Originally posted by xamanix

Yeah i agree although i hate Chinese! Ive been to them all apart from fatty arbuckles but if i had to choose i would definately recommend new orleans its slighlty different and serves crocodile! No i havent tried it!


Would that be Old Orleans? If not, it's gonna be a begger to get to after UGC! :D


K x

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They are all absolutely rubbish with cack food and cack prices.


Call me opinionated (!) but I can't stand that sort of restaurant. They're ok for families when you have lots of kids etc but for anything else, shocking.


It's very sad that this is all you get around the UGC.


We did Old Orleans the other day and even tho nearly empty it took an hour to be served. Food was average, not bad and not good, and portion size average.


Services at these places tends to be ok in my experience, so maybe they aren't all bad.


They feel so americanised, and in many of them very little actual cooking goes on.


Apologies to anyone working there - I used to know a few chefs so some of these comments come from them!

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I so agree with you - i actually work in an italian restaurant so expect food which i would serve to others to be served to me. For a place that obvoiusly has had millions spent on it you'd think they would come up with a half decent restaurant. Old Orleans in my experiance is the best of a bad set of diners - you cant actually call them restaurants.

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I must be one of the few who enjoy Arbuckles.


I enjoy Arbuckles, decent food, potions and prices. Done Frankie & Bennys a few times but find the prices a little more and portions small. I know i'm sad but my side order of fries for nearly £2 contained 15 single fries.


Old Orleans nice but average size portions. Cant really comment on Bitz & Pizza or Boardwalk. Been once to both but they didn't really do anything for me.

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I fully agree with Miggy on this, apart from the bit about Americanisation. Your average American would never stand for such mediocre establishments, whereas your average Brit will put up with it all the time, and still go back for more saying how wonderful it is.

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