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Evil cash machine or evil bank?

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i had the same thing happen to me, one of my friends said at the new self service tills some ppl stick double sided sticky tape under where the cash comes and it lifts off the top note. Then they just follow you and take the money. I never got mine back as it wasnt in the 'dump tray'.


Well that is, without doubt, the biggest load of rubbish I have ever heard.

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well brian the dog hope it happend to u:D


That sounds like a bet. It simply cannot happen. The only way some double sided tape would lift a note is if the notes were not clasped, merely stacked. As the cash is secured between what can best be described as two "lips" at the back then there is no way it could be taken out.


Imagine squeezing five bank notes between your fingers. Now try dragging a piece of sellotape over it to simulate a roller covered in double sided tape. Unless you have an especially limp grip, the notes will remain in place. Try the same without squeezing the notes together and the top one will go.


As a final point... Tampering with a cash machine is both difficult, and requires you use a valid card to release the physical locks. Most cash machines only stock £5, £10 and £20 notes. They sort the notes in value order, so the top note is the lowest. So for a potential return of £20 (although due to the BoE trying to increase the number of £10 notes in circulation, you're more likely to get a tenner) you would need to visit the cash machine twice, exposing yourself to getting caught on both occassions.


So trust me, it won't be happening to me as it a)would not work, and b) is not worth the risk.

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ur thinking of a cash machine, which i agree this would be nearly impossible. I am talking about the self service tills in ASDA etc. when you would get cashback or notes in change. The opening for the notes is huge and they are not clamped together at all merely resting on top of one another. Making it pretty easy to take the top note off

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ur thinking of a cash machine, which i agree this would be nearly impossible. I am talking about the self service tills in ASDA etc. when you would get cashback or notes in change. The opening for the notes is huge and they are not clamped together at all merely resting on top of one another. Making it pretty easy to take the top note off


I still think it's rubbish. Anyone loitering around the tills would be noted by staff. And there's always staff by the self-service incase anyone is buying alcohol or restricted products. And even if it was technically feasible, anyone attempting this would be on several CCTV cameras and would need to purchase two items minimum. And all this for ten or twenty quid?!

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as a ATM engineer can i just say that short/too much money dispensed cant happen from a engineering point of view there are fail safes built into the machine that prevent this, if money goes into the purge tray or dump as it is being refered to then the ATM will pick a note again and keep trying untill sucessfull, if not then it will not dispense any money. Im not saying that it doesn't happen its just ive never seen it happen in the years that i have been repairing ATM's

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I went to withdraw £10 a few years ago in Rotherham - the dispenser opened and gave me nothing! I went into the bank and they said nothing they could do and to contact my bank.


My next statement arrived and they had credited me with £10, reference: cash machine error.


So there must be a way the machine knows.

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