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Evil cash machine or evil bank?

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That quite simply cannot happen. If the money has been debited from your bank account then there would be a corresponding credit to HSBC, culminating in a further debit as the money left the drawer in the ATM. If you're drawing out a larger amount then it will take longer to be counted. The only explanation is some thief behind you decided to pocket the cash.


You like saying 'simply cannot happen' dont you. Are you saying i made the whole thing up because i had nothing else to type last night? :suspect:


If you read what i said. I said everything checked out fine in my bank, HSBC's cash machines roll and the dump tray as well. Everything looked as though the transaction had gone through perfectly normal. The only thing amiss was my pocket being very empty.

HSBC even told me they would check their CCTV over the machine and persue anyone taking any cash after i had left the ATM as it was still classed as theft. They then realised they had no CCTV camera.


The machine did say there had been a problem of some sort (i don't remember the exact phrase as i just set off to speak to my bank), and that i needed to sort it out with my bank.


To the OP.... I have also had a cash machine give me a lower amount than asked for. The money was deposited back in to my account a few days later. I think it took three days.

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Today evening i used the cash machine of halifax the moor branch to take out 100 pounds. I chose the option that money with receipt. After i took out the money and the receipt i count, i found there are just 90 pounds. I cannot believe that and count again still 90 pounds. But it shows on the receipt that i withdraw 100 pounds.

What i can do? I am sure the bank will not trust me that i only got 90 pounds not 100 pounds. Bad luck.:(


Make sure you register the query with YOUR bank and they will want to know which machine it was. They will then request a balance on the machine. Securicor will replenish the machine every few days and return the pods to the counting house. Just like a till at the supermarket it will be recorded how much has gone in, how much has gone out and how much should be left in the pods. The machine should show a discrepancy that is holding 10pounds to much. They will cross reference this to your banks request and credit it back.

Due to the fact they cannot do this until securicor have been (this can be once a week at some machines), returned the pods to the counting house, the counting house do their bit, the figures are balanced, etc etc it can take a few days to a few weeks till it is sorted. But from my experiences with cash machines at work they will sort it.

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The cash comes out of a little slot, how is someone going to get tape in there, better still how are they going to get said note out again, you will have to do better than that. :roll:


When I was short changed I request some more in another transaction that was paid correctly, I had two receipts one straight after the other, times, amounts, no questioning what had happened, it was obvious.


Well that is, without doubt, the biggest load of rubbish I have ever heard.


as a ATM engineer can i just say that short/too much money dispensed cant happen from a engineering point of view there are fail safes built into the machine that prevent this, if money goes into the purge tray or dump as it is being refered to then the ATM will pick a note again and keep trying untill sucessfull, if not then it will not dispense any money. Im not saying that it doesn't happen its just ive never seen it happen in the years that i have been repairing ATM's


I used to work as an ATM service controller for one of the biggest high street banks. I dealt with lots of cases like this and placed the NCR/Siemens engineers call outs for many an attempted theft from customers after they walked away from ATMs empty handed or short changed. This was rife in the late 90's and early 2000's all over the UK.

For obvious reasons I can't elaborate on how this was done, but i will say that the person you told was talking rubbish was on the right track with sticky stuff. I thought you were a bit rude to dismiss their post and hope you have learnt something today about your ATMs.

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his was rife in the late 90's and early 2000's all over the UK.


For obvious reasons I can't elaborate on how this was done, but i will say that the person you told was talking rubbish was on the right track with sticky stuff. I thought you were a bit rude to dismiss their post and hope you have learnt something today about your ATMs.


These scams aren’t exactly top secret, just google ATM scams, I think the one you are talking about involved making the machine seem to retain the card for the fraudster to retrieve once the customer had left, “For obvious reasons I can't elaborate” :roll:

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