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Where To Take My Girlfriend?


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Hi Im just looking for a little advice here my girlfriend has been having a rough time lately and could do with cheering up now altho Id love to take her to paris for a weekend I simply dont have that amount of cash so im wanting to take her somewhere special she really is worth every penny I have however im on such a low budget so I need somewhere thats nice BUT cheap can anyone help me??

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I wanted to do a similar thing. Found paris too expensive so chose Dublin as a cheaper alternative. However stll isn't "low budget", Dublin itself has expensive food and drink p, but is a nice cheaper alternative to Paris, and a great city. We got dirt cheap accomodation in a hotel just outside the city, which also did a nice breaky. (was a nice hotel aswell) You can get cheap flights to Dublin from Donny airport.


if this is too much, maybe het a cheap train down to London n go n c a show or sument

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Have you considered Prague?


My fiance is there at the mo on a trip with uni (he is a mature law student and is approx 10yrs older than anyone else, but is loving it anyway!). he keeps texting me telling me how beautiful and lovely it is.


The booze is really cheap too. Could be really romantic.


Either that or lake district, somewhere in the peaks?


Good luck.

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If you're really broke, why not just cancel everything for the weekend, clear up and tidy your place and make her a love nest for the weekend?


Whatever she would like to do, you can arrange it. Cook her some lovely meals, spend time doing whatever it is that she enjoys, shut the world out, take a trip to the theatre or a taxi day outing to somewhere lovely. You'd be amazed how far you can make your small budget go if you aren't paying for flights or hotel bills.

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Thanks for all advice everyone however the quoted bit is probs best suited to my budget as im really skint at the moment so my budget is majorely low so maybe just a nice meal a couple of nice movies and a cuddle will be enough to make her smile


If you're really broke, why not just cancel everything for the weekend, clear up and tidy your place and make her a love nest for the weekend?


Whatever she would like to do, you can arrange it. Cook her some lovely meals, spend time doing whatever it is that she enjoys, shut the world out, take a trip to the theatre or a taxi day outing to somewhere lovely. You'd be amazed how far you can make your small budget go if you aren't paying for flights or hotel bills.

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