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Old Sheffield Christmas Family Party Games


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I have taken it upon myself to arrange some little games for our company at our in house Christmas party, since last year's Helicopter Treasure Hunt (in a Bell Sky Ranger) seems a bit inappropriate when some people in the industry are getting P45's as a present.


I thought of three games which, I believe, are Sheffield games:-


1. Scrorming - where you have to keep a 2 bob (10P) coin held against one wall, and your ''wingspan'' is measured by a pencil tick on the other wall.


2. The '' Shake hands with the prettyist, bow to the wittyist, and kiss the one you love most '' game.


3. Reciting ''I'lla jackala', the counting the beats in the song while singing it game.


Any other Sheffield games that anyone knows ? ( nothing mucky please).


Sorry for any rubbish spelling, the 25th AGM (this month) of the '' Friends of the Artois'' has just finished.

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Just so that someone puts a post on here and you don't feel ignored:

the only one I can recall which we used to play as a family was called" Kiss the Blarney Stone". Everyone left the room leaving just 2 males in the room and one player who was blindfolded.The player was told to "kiss the blarney stone" which meant that they kissed the bent arm of one of the males then, as the blindfold was taken off them the male would appear to be pulling up his trousers giving the impression that they'd actually kissed his backside. Rather smutty and a bit immature but, it's a party game and it did create a laugh.



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What about 'Pin the tail on the donkey' you can always change it to a theme that suits you. For our sons wedding we threw a shower for the future daughter-in-law, instead of a donkey I drew Adam then we had a fig leaf which we had to pin on, blindfolded of course :D Just another idea :thumbsup:

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Pass the bottle was always a laugh.


Two teams of men & women were lined up and a pop bottle containing ice or cold water was placed between the legs of the the first person in each team.


The bottles had to be passed from person to person down each team, gripping the bottle between their legs with no iuse of hands.


The first team to get the bottle to the end of their team won and a small prize was given.


The tall ones have to bend their knees when passing to a smaller person and the smaller ones had to stand on their toes to pass the bottle on.


When I was a kid the older members of the family used to dress up and give a turn.


One played the piano and another sang, whilst two of the old Glossop brothers did a kind of old Mummers play which was acted out. One of them also recited long monologues from memory.


Happy Days! PopT

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