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Annoying TV adverts


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ALL adverts are annoying, they get in the way of the TV programs, but I guess that's what the on/off remote switch wsa invented for.


Around 12 minutes in each hour is taken up by adverts trying to brain wash you into wanting something. So during the course of 5 hours worth of tv, that's an hour of adverts you've seen.


Internet ad' free TV - it's the future!



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  • 10 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Two adverts are driving me nuts to the point of turning the tv off at the moment


1. The frickin patronising SMA advert that ends with


"take it from us, you're doing great"




The idea that they feel they can congratulate people they have never met on how good they are at motherhood:


- are they from the 1950s??? there are stay at home and single dads in existence!)

- they may well be advertising to really bad mums

- who are they to judge anyway


(Irrational anger)



2. The reason I felt the need to share was that I was listening to the bbc online and that BBC weather app advert came on.


I can't find this online so maybe this one only annoys me.


I don't know why it's so annoying-I think its the voices, the cameras point of view, the "music" and the inane rubbish coming out of the actors mouths


e.g. "can you wear shorts for a date?.....never mind":gag:



AHHhhhhhh that made me feel better!:thumbsup:



edit: It's not just me with the sma advert:


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The Great Escapes one - go, go, go...........please - and stop whispering


the Parky one


and the charity ones


Hardly a secret escape when its advertised to millions of people on TV. :)


The meercat adverts are really sending me crazy. I wish Robert Webb would go mental and throttle them all.


At least The Go Compare man has shut up for a bit.

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  • 3 months later...

I was chatting to my present wife the other day about annoying adverts on the box!.Anyway we narrowed it down to three not in any order but here goes,that Granola one with the aliens coming out of the corn field,I would never tire of slapping that blokes face munching the concoction!.Number 2 the idiot that joins the astronauts "You,r so super summat or other",but the one advert that really gets up my nose is that bald headed Leeds nerk selling double glazing!.I know he,s acting but he raises my blood pressure to boiling point,I would think nothing of knocking him out,I,m going to have to stop watching adverts they are no good for my health in my old age!.:confused::huh::help:

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