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Disgusting !!! Artists still not payed for Music In The Sun!!

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DJs fight for unpaid festival fees



Published Date: 14 November 2008

By David Walsh


THIRTY DJs, artists and crew are still waiting to be paid more than three months after the Music in the Sun festival in Sheffield.

DJ Jamie Ferguson, aged 25, contacted Action Desk after a cheque for half his fee bounced and he was unable to contact organisers NonStop Events, despite numerous calls and emails.


Jamie, who is a resident at Club Vibe in Sheffield, said he knew of three other DJs - Jamie Duggen, EJ and Apostle - who were also waiting for cash. He said: "It's not so much the money but the principle. If they don't pay us for this year they're going to struggle to get people to work for them next."


Music in the Sun is billed as one of the most important multi-cultural events in the North.




DEE Warburton, MD of NonStop Events, said the festival was hit by a rumour it would be the scene of gang warfare.


Sheffield teenager Tarek Chaiboub was gunned down and killed outside a barber's shop on Spital Hill only two weeks before and rumours circulated gangs would settle scores at Music in the Sun - and hundreds stayed away, he claimed.


Dee, who confirmed there were 30 outstanding creditors, said: "We made a loss and since then we've been trying to raise funds to pay people.

I'm sorry, we appreciate the support we've had. There's a pretty good chance of people being paid soon."

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Alright maybe I'm mistaken and it's not 'for charity' per se, but for christs sake it's a community event for the people of Sheffield that's lost lots of money - I would personally ditch my fee but if you're that fussed take it up with a solicitor, don't go crying to the press. And here's me thinking DJing was about the music :rolleyes:

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CHRIS BIO After visiting music in the suns website it has no mention of this event having any involvement with charity surly a company having involvement with charity would have something on there???!!



These Dj’s not getting paid is exactly the same as you hiring a plumber and not paying him for his work you are paying someone for a service no matter what the service is. This is there living !!


( I was in the tent when Jamie Ferguson was playing and he smashed it!!)

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It sounds to me like they physically can't pay at the moment.


While if a fee was agreed then it should be paid, the organisers are probably pretty stressed as it is - they will have had to pay a lot up front to put it on and if they made a loss can't produce the money to pay the rest out of thin air.

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if they made a loss can't produce the money to pay the rest out of thin air.


isnt that were bankruptcy comes in then? I don't know enough about them really....like if they are a limited company etc... just sounds like it was a poor business decision which they may well pay more than money for in the long run.

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