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Disgusting !!! Artists still not payed for Music In The Sun!!

X666 FJP

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I know one of the people involved with running Music In The Sun so I'll point the thread his way, perhaps he'll be able to shed some light on it...




Alright maybe I'm mistaken and it's not 'for charity' per se, but for christs sake it's a community event for the people of Sheffield that's lost lots of money - I would personally ditch my fee but if you're that fussed take it up with a solicitor, don't go crying to the press. And here's me thinking DJing was about the music :rolleyes:


That's probably all well and good when it's local musicians and DJ's, the majority of which I think would take your stance. I suspect artists from other cities; who have booking agents acting on their behalf; may take a slightly different stance...

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I'm one of the unpaid people. I do actually have a formal written contract which does make a number of demands and stipulations on me (eg agreement to be filmed/recorded, and to participate in promotional activities), as well as promising a specific fee. It doesn't seem entirely unreasonable to hope/expect that contract to be honoured if that's the basis on which you signed up in the first place. Legally I suppose I could go to the small claims court and try to extract what I can, but I'm not sure how much there is from which something might be extracted and I can't really be bothered. Maybe if I did fuss about things like that I'd be a richer man than I am.

I do think it's a bit naughty of the organisers though. If it was organised as a community event and run on goodwill that should have been the deal to start with. Actually I'd probably still have played becasue I do it because of my enthusiasm for music, but in that case a bit of up front honesty would go down rather better.

You wouldn't go and pay for your groceries with a check, get home, decide you were a bit broke and stop the check, then argue it was a community shop and you were hungry, so the guys would have probably given you the food anyway, now would you?

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Alright maybe I'm mistaken and it's not 'for charity' per se, but for christs sake it's a community event for the people of Sheffield that's lost lots of money - I would personally ditch my fee but if you're that fussed take it up with a solicitor, don't go crying to the press. And here's me thinking DJing was about the music :rolleyes:
Sorry Chris I disagree with you. If contracts were signed then they should be honoured regardless if its a charity event or not. As Jamie says its the principle not the money
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