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Cipralex Withdrawal

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Hi all I am in my 8th day of coming off cipralex,I was on 10 mg a day my gp said miss one every other day for 2 weeks then stop ,and I can tell you this is the worst I have felt in years,stomach cramp,not sleeping,palpitations,dizziness,confused

we have come away for a few days and wow wished I brought em with me feel even worse feel as if I am gonna have heart attack any minute

I can tell you when I get home I popping one in staight away cannot cope with this

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If it is bad enough ring your GP now.


They will be closed and you will be put through to the out of hours service.

-From there you can speak to someone, which might take a little time to organise but you can get a small prescription written which you can pick up at a pharmacist which if anything could ease your symptoms, that will. If it is not bad enough, don't -but ringing for proper medical advice cant hurt..

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Hi thx for reply went to a&e in skeggy who gave me a good check up that made feel better,saying everyrthing was ok, then gave me my prescription took one straight away felt a lot better in about an hour,gonna forget about coming off and take my 1 a day and bog it,but if thats withdrawel syptoms wow really feel for anyone who goes through that I aint going through it again

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dave I will admit that is the worst I have ever felt in my life thought that was it,so out of it and like you say the pain etc unbelievable, so I am back on and I aint gonna think no more about coming off, taken 2 weeks to come round so just gonna keep poping 1 a day and keep on track good luck

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Help! Been on 10mg for 18 months. Started getting a bad skin reaction, think its the cipralex. So trying to get off it. Cut down to 5mg every other day and then hopefully 5mg a day. Feel totally ****, constantly feel sick, snappy, on edge, dying! Am I human? Is this a normal reaction. The rest of my family are suffering due to my attitude/suffering etc. Just some advice please. I got to get off this crap, to see if its this causing my skin reaction. Better off dead. Thank you for your time. Email me if you can as im new to this forum. Got an appt to see shrink next Monday, if I survive that long. Also on Lithium and Serequl. Best wishes, Keith.

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Hi Diddy .. God I so feel for you. I've recently gone cold turkey from 40mg Oxycodone 12 hour release twice a day, topped with 5mg/5ml in liquid form for breakthrough pain.


After the nausea, spasms, sweats, inability to sleep, came the anxiety and panic attacks .. and they are awfully frightening.


Just remember, panic attacks wont kill you .. they're terrifying to go through, but try and slow your breathing and tell yourself this .. and that it will pass.


Mrbluesky .. I'm surprised you are getting the skin reaction now when you've been on it so long. However, I totally understand your wanting to come off the stuff. Have you looked up the side effects on Cipralex and also, Lithium and Serequl?


If anyone needs emotional support .. please PM me, as I went through a week of hell, and I know that just being able to shout about it, can help.

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