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Liquifruta cough mixture


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Anyone remember having to take Liquifruta - I had it regularly - it tasted of cresote and liquorice. I am still having problems with my chest so I don't think it worked!!!!


I remember the product - Liqufruta - and the trepidation for those taking it!

I seem to recall an oniony flavour but never sampled it!

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Liquifruta I remember it well if sugar, butter and vinigar didn't work then it was Liquifruta was the last resort.


If I remember correctly the bottle was that of an old medicine bottle not round, but like a flat spirit bottle it tasted vile, but it worked.

It is strange to see that name after so many years.

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I recall liquifruita taking it for a cough, and indian brandy for stomach problems and

a poultice if I had a sore throat, that was bl***y horrible. Also my mum used to warm something up when I had earache, and pour it my ear don't know what that was but it hurt and when I said anything to my mum she used to say "if it hurts, its doing you good". Somehow I didn't believe her.

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Also my mum used to warm something up when I had earache, and pour it my ear don't know what that was but it hurt and when I said anything to my mum she used to say "if it hurts, its doing you good". Somehow I didn't believe her.


That would be Olive Oil. We always had a bottle of that in the house back in the fifties. It was only ever used for two things, warming up for putting in your ears for ear ache and mashing together with bananas for my Dads sandwiches for work. It stopped the banana from going brown (apparently).


They tried to get me to take some foul tasting pink stuff from the doctor for my chest but it was Owbridges or nothing.

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