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Which same sex person would you have an affair with?

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I can't decide who.

But I think you're right. I was thinking this just the other day - most heterosexual girls aren't afraid to point out another girl and say wow, she's really gorgeous. But heterosexual men seem unable to do the same when they see an attractive man.


Are women just more confident in their sexuality by nature?

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I know a young lad who can appreciate other men as to why a women would fancy them....everyone thinks he is either Bi or gay and denying it!!!!


I think there is less of a stigma attached to women over sexuality. I mean obvisouly if she is a slapper and put it about a bit then she will get grief.

My mates and I used to snog each other in the nightclub should one of us get a letch hanging on who didn't understand the word no. It wrks okay until you get a clever dick who asks if they can watch!!!



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Originally posted by t020

Don't disgust me.


Why are you disgusted? If it bothers you so much, don't post in the thread!


In answer to the question....have to think now...I was asked this question a long time ago and I used to say Alanis Morrisette. I wouldn't say that now though.

Drew Barrymore maybe.

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I think it would have to be Martin Clunes. After what would probably be disastrous sex it would be nice to have someone with whom to laugh about it.


A lifetime ago in NZ my friend and I used to pretend to be gay so we could talk to the women at parties. Otherwise, it was men round the beer barrel and women on the other side of the room with sweet sherry. God, I learnt to hate sweet sherry.

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