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Incontinent and inconsiderate people at City Hall and Arena


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Incontinent and inconsiderate people at City Hall and Arena


I love going to concerts at the City Hall and the Arena, but I am fed up with people getting up and treading on my toes throughout the concerts


It seems some people feel the need to drink huge quantities of beer before and during the performance and then repeatedly get up to use the toilets. They force you from your seat on the way out and again on the way back. No sooner have you got settled their mate decides he has to go as well, and then they are up again for yet more beer.


Are these people incontinent or just plain inconsiderate to other people in the audience.


I recently went to see Queen at the Arena and probably had to get out of my seat 6/8 times during the gig.


At the City Hall last week a mobile phone went off in the middle of a classical recital.


Are good manners a thing of the past?

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The cinema is the same. They bring in gallon beakers of pop and then wonder why they're p*ssing every ten minutes.


I'd rather wait for it to come out on DVD.


Maybe the movie studios should realise that maybe the movie downloaders are sick of the hassle of the cinema and choosing to download the movie rather than pay for it.

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The concept of sitting down to a rock concert (as you mentioned Queen I am making assumptions of course) is wrong on so many levels.


Blame the H&S brigade who think some mass disaster will occur forcing everyone to fall over like a live domino rally if more than 3 people stand up at the same time

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The cinema is the same. They bring in gallon beakers of pop and then wonder why they're p*ssing every ten minutes.


I'd rather wait for it to come out on DVD.


Maybe the movie studios should realise that maybe the movie downloaders are sick of the hassle of the cinema and choosing to download the movie rather than pay for it.



I concur. Tickets for the Queen /Paul Rodgers concert were £49.50 each. That is a lot to pay when you are repeatedly forced to miss the performance by blokes pushing past to use the toilets.

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It's not a proper gig unless you're standing up anyway. The whole experience is about the intimacy, togetherness and participation of the crowd. It's not meant to be like going to the cinema or theatre.


Anyone who has had a pint or two is bound to need the loo at least once in the c.90 minutes of a headline set. Seating at gigs just doesn't make any sense.

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In the folk clubs I frequent, if you want to go to the toilet or the bar, you wait for the band to finish the number. You then wait (outside the room in some clubs) until the band have finished the following number. Then you can go back to your seat. It's not rocket science is it, & it usually works.

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