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Incontinent and inconsiderate people at City Hall and Arena


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Some people can't help bouncing about like loonies though, as they think it's their God given right to "dance" to their favourite song.


Falsehood! It is NOT their "God given right" to arse about like a Fairy on a rock bun and kill me toes in the process! :rant:


And some people can't help sitting being misery-guts like it is their god-given right to dictate to everyone else how they shouldn't enjoy themselves.


That said....


I would deliberately avoid an all-seater venue as I know I wouldn't enjoy sitting there like a corpse, and deliberately choose standing venues, rather than knowingly going all seater and then moaning about it.

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I can understand people being annoyed at a classical concert or something, but getting annoyed at a rock gig because people are standing up is ridiculous. And having a few beers at a gig is totally part of the experience and night out.


For me, going to a gig isn't about it being a sanitised experience. In fact, take away standing up and having a couple of beers and you can pretty much admit defeat and declare that rock and roll (at least in its live form) is well and truly dead.

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I went to see motorhead at city halla nd was disapointed when i realised it was an all seated venue. It's just not the same! I'm definitely part of the go-crazy-at-a-gig crowd. If i wanted to listen sat down i could do it in the car or at home.

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I went to see motorhead at city halla nd was disapointed when i realised it was an all seated venue. It's just not the same! I'm definitely part of the go-crazy-at-a-gig crowd. If i wanted to listen sat down i could do it in the car or at home.


There again you can stand up at home as well.


I don't think this thread is about the rights and wrongs of standing at gigs. Some bands (certainly Motorhead) would be the type of band that could warrant an all standing concert. That is for the promoters to decide.

I think the point at issue here is people who choose to buy seats at the Arena and then repeatedly distur others by getting up for drinks and using the facilities. I can imagine that would be annoying.

I can remember the time (pre Arena) when people were only admitted to the auditorium during breaks or between numbers. Whilst the band was playing they would be required to remain outside ofr at least stand at the back until a gap arrived.

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Mm, See i much prefer this going to the toilet lark than to the people who urinate in their pint pot and then decide to throw it at you. :suspect:


Please don't ever ban going to the toilet!!!


Oddly enough, that is exactly what i thought the thread was going to be about. :gag:

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god its hardly the end of the world is it! :hihi:


i agree with edna, much rather people went to the toilet than threw it all over my hair! i must admit i dont go to the loo etc as im a) not wanting to miss anything and b) its a nightmare to even get to the loo as people give you evil glares for even attempting to move! this means i can only have one drink :(


No, this is Davey stopping you getting drunk ;-)


Anyways, gigs for me shouldn't be seated events in the first instance. But even at seated events, it's can be deemed as inconsiderate if they're just getting up in the middle of a song. However if they leave it to a break in play I see no problem what so ever.

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